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I enjoy TF outta my Green Dragon tincture. And my gummy hook up is walking distance from my house, (cursed blessings) eventually i will stash myself into enough surplus to start my cobb cured adventures, i know my smoke timeline is going to wain. But i need my canna dopamine and the Dragon fits the billing for my non smoke canna needs

This was supposed to be Entombed quote 11447…
I just can't do actual smoke.

meh, don't worry, between weed & cigz, i do enuff smoke for u, me & everybody else on this entire site :rofl: :whew: :smoker: ppp
5 grams of walter white in, .9 out.
Temp was 205 for 3 minutes.

I got your back there! I don’t like it if the mushrooms are all thick sliced to where they don’t cook thru all the way so kinda spongy mooshy still! If sliced thin added with pepperoni that shit is :hothot::eyebrows::d5:
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