I had a 4 until last year. Would still have if the apps and other things worked. The purposely make them not work. I don't want a tablet in my pocket! I'm just happy to see people! :rofl:
I have an iphone 6 and only thing i use it for is photone occasionally! The iphone 13 pro when i upgraded i got way different readings due to the enhanced light sensors working differently so i continued using the old phone just for readings! That is til @Lil Dab or someone wants to mail me there par meter to calibrate photone on my new phone! ;) :eyebrows::crying:
That makes sense. Hopefully laws will change i hate to see anybody harassed for doing what they love, and when it doesnt hurt anybody. Its really sad. Stay stealth, like a ninja.
Imagine me then….i am in the idiotic republic of Tejas! :yoinks::cuss::crying:
Dr. said they want a CT to see if im beating the infection but all blood work show that i am. 👍
So I guess depending on how the CT looks they start talking about options for curing the issue which they think is in the colon

I’ll post more pics when I get inside but currently I’m in the car getting stoned! I did spot this bad boy, though….

Mom is working this event where they have both a tasting room and a selling room and there’s a bunch of restaurants and shit here sampling their foods so I’m hanging about to “help out” so I can get my sample on but I noticed this truck in the parking lot! :eyebrows::woohoo1::vibe::crying: