Have you tasted any of the sauces from that show? Guy at my sis' restaurant ordered a sample box from them. The Da Bomb will put a series hurting on ya!!!

In a related story, a friends printing company used to do labels for Dave's Insanity. He used to send sample taster boxes up on the regular. Every time I would see a box from them my sphincter cringed! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I learned this bit of French "body English" for sphincter cringe from fellow smugglers in St Barthélemy, French West Indies. Useful when you're telling a story about a time you were so scared your butt-hole puckered, or silently accusing somebody of being chicken:
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I've always just added the si 1st. But people also use it to pH adjust at the end...
Yeah me too I’ve always added it first and mixed before the rest but I didn’t know it was used for ph that’s interesting. I’ve finally gotten around to learning about ec ppm and ph and what they mean. My first grow was primitive but very productive so I just stuck with my ignorance for two years. Now that I’m attempting to bottom feed it feels more important to know these things and in the process I’m finding that I’ve been technically over feeding all this time but my plants always looked and grew great. Apparently shitty tap water is ok when you’re feeding to runoff, not so much from the bottom.
I use Armor Si and I read somewhere that it’s a good idea to let your silicate sit in the water for about an hour before carrying on with the rest of the feed mixing. Anyone know if this is valid?

Don't hold me to this but if I remember right you add it first so it binds with the starting water otherwise if you add it last it binds with the calcium in your nutes and locks it up. I've always added it first then wait at least 45min over night is better:pass:
I’ve been wondering the same about @DCLXVI

Oh shit! That's the name of that old dude that told me about this place. I've been trying to figure out who it was on here. I haven't seen him since last fall sometime. Like November ish?

Last time I saw him he said he was having some sort of surgery and was real worried about it. No idea though. Haven't seen him or his car at the park since. Maybe he didn't make it? He was kinda on the "experienced" side of life.
I use Armor Si and I read somewhere that it’s a good idea to let your silicate sit in the water for about an hour before carrying on with the rest of the feed mixing. Anyone know if this is valid?

I've always just added the si 1st. But people also use it to pH adjust at the end...

Back when I looked into it, best explanation I came up with was that Si can bind up and precipitate some of the other parts of your feed, but that would be both pH and concentration dependent. So, 'let it sit for an hour before adding the rest of the feed' so it binds with what's already in the water and not the feed itself?

But, an hour seems a bit excessive for most people, and I've only really used it as a ph-up at the end. I probably should've been diluting it a bit first (or adding it first after I knew how much the final feed would need each time), but I would just dropped it straight in the final feed at the end. Didn't seem to create any issues for me. At least, none I noticed...:shrug:
For reference on the tap, after the dechlorinator filter on the hose the pen says my water is 0.8 EC which is 400ppm at +/- 50ppm accuracy 🤢 makes it tough to feed! My cousin owns a water store in town so I’m gonna see him tomorrow about a hook up of some sort whether it’s ro or a small filter or whatever and then I’ll hit up my next door neighbor the plumber to help me out. I don’t need to get to 0 base water so anything should be an improvement.
Oh shit! That's the name of that old dude that told me about this place. I've been trying to figure out who it was on here. I haven't seen him since last fall sometime. Like November ish?

Last time I saw him he said he was having some sort of surgery and was real worried about it. No idea though. Haven't seen him or his car at the park since. Maybe he didn't make it? He was kinda on the "experienced" side of life.
Even just talking online I can tell he’s a such a good kind and gentle dude, hopefully everything worked out and he’s just not growing any more. Takes a while to recover from stuff as we get on the experienced side of life. Fingers crossed 💙
Even just talking online I can tell he’s a such a good kind and gentle dude, hopefully everything worked out and he’s just not growing any more. Takes a while to recover from stuff as we get on the experienced side of life. Fingers crossed 💙

Yeah for sure. I swore he was a cop the first time he walked up on me. Hahaha I was scared as fuck but damn, he was a cool old dude. I liked to have a walk & smoke on these trails near my house and this guy just walks up and is like "smells nice over here!" I thought for sure I was busted.

He kept trying to convince me to join and talked to me a ton about growing. I eventually did and man, he was right! This shit is fun AND you get a bunch of weed at the end!