Definitely toasted cheeser status out there! :fire::yoinks::nono::crying:

Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 9.02.04 PM.png
She’s for sure prone to biggness… :haha:
I usually get ~8 oz / plant, and even then I'm fighting / training more than I want to fit in the tent.

I should just give up and turn my place into a studio apartment with a door that leads into one big grow room.
I usually get ~8 oz / plant, and even then I'm fighting / training more than I want to fit in the tent.

I should just give up and turn my place into a studio apartment with a door that leads into one big grow room.
Pretty good idea…… perhaps you should consult a spreadsheet…. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lildab: