Mornernooning Mossy / Frank / All - coffee sounds great. I'll be right over.

So, I had this idea yesterday, "I know! What if I promise to give away 10-20% of my harvest as 'charitable donations' since my state allows it?"

That led to me writing up a 4-page op-ed on why growing cannabis at home is intrinsically a non-profit activity and why we should all be able to deduct any costs and time related to it on our federal taxes.

Now, if only I paid taxes...
Fancy some dabs?

Does a bear shit in the woods.....?..........

What you brought me.....?........
Mornernooning Mossy / Frank / All - coffee sounds great. I'll be right over.

So, I had this idea yesterday, "I know! What if I promise to give away 10-20% of my harvest as 'charitable donations' since my state allows it?"

That led to me writing up a 4-page op-ed on why growing cannabis at home is intrinsically a non-profit activity and why we should all be able to deduct any costs and time related to it on our federal taxes.

Now, if only I paid taxes...
Good morning my friend :pass: How’s it going?