Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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It's go big or go big yes correctly..I do everything to the max it's my life style...since I was basement ok? @Blue_dreamer or to humid..its one of those old city dugeon burry your wife know?

If its moldy or damp, I definitely wouldn't do it.

These don't smell at all. I mean, maybe when you open it and fan it, it smells like earth a little. But honestly, it smells a lot like um...lady parts, to me. Very earthy, kinda dankish and wet.
Now tell me this isn't where you would burry your wife? Am I wrong...
It's go big or go big yes correctly..I do everything to the max it's my life style...since I was basement ok? @Blue_dreamer or to humid..its one of those old city dugeon burry your wife know?
Shhhiitt Your married just remember that it’s ours not yours and you’d be lost without me and that’s a fact and you know it! So hush your mouth! And tell the truth I NEVER go down there so 😝
If its moldy or damp, I definitely wouldn't do it.

These don't smell at all. I mean, maybe when you open it and fan it, it smells like earth a little. But honestly, it smells a lot like um...lady parts, to me. Very earthy, kinda dankish and wet.
Sort of moist? The basement is really moist...
Sort of moist? The basement is really moist...

Oh yeah, I definitely wouldn't do that then. You want somewhere clean.

This isn't anything dirty or going to cause damage or anything. You could just put them in a cabinet, or like I said, I used a shelf in my bathroom and a clamp light on a 12 hour timer.
Oh yeah, I definitely wouldn't do that then. You want somewhere clean.

This isn't anything dirty or going to cause damage or anything. You could just put them in a cabinet, or like I said, I used a shelf in my bathroom and a clamp light on a 12 hour timer.
Ok I got a whole perfectly
Oh yeah, I definitely wouldn't do that then. You want somewhere clean.

This isn't anything dirty or going to cause damage or anything. You could just put them in a cabinet, or like I said, I used a shelf in my bathroom and a clamp light on a 12 hour timer.
No more ideas for the hubby smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ youve created another dang monster 👹 smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😂
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