Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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Yup couple of her co workers have Covid
3.5 years without Covid and boom, I go it back to back. No fun at all. Left me with a swollen part near my waist. Just weird sheet!
The water is dark from the kelp extract and humic acid. Both are safe for hydroponics, and the water goes back to clearish within about 2 days of adding them. I've been adding 10ml of kelp extract and 3 ml of humex twice a week, and they seem quite happy. I've also been upping the nutes, and am now feeding them almost double what masterblend calls for, for tomatoes, and they are just growing like nutso.

I just started an Auto AK and an amnesia haze from seed, and their little seed hats came off yesterday. I always get so excited when that happens and I can see their leaves for the first time.

Hydroponics is definitely where its at. I can completely ignore them for days. Don't have to worry about watering. Twice a week I top each of the buckets off with a gallon to gallon an half of water and nutrients. No worries about gnats or other bugs. Its cleaner, no runoff to deal with, no dirt besides the small amount of coco in the little cups, and honestly I think I'm gonna try switching that to the little hydroton rocks next go around.

The biggest issue I've had is doing LST on them pushes the base of the plant down, which causes the nut cup to pop through the lid. I need to figure out some way to reinforce that, I think I'm going to make a wood saucer to sit it in, to hold it more stable once the plant gets bigger, instead of the flexible bucket lid that lets the cup pop through when its under pressure.
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CmD after a month cure and a freshly cleaned chillum
No drain jobs yet , surprising with the rain so im running around getting stuff for the boss' indoor grow. He went with " whatever you're growing" so i got 2 almost identical grows with 3 double grape x grape crinkle and 1 Skywalker in 7 gal fabrics , same home made soil mix both 4x4 ac infinity tent kits. Mines in a basement storage area and hand watered, his is inside in a spare bedroom and watered using blue mat. Trimmed some stuff and brought it to my boys while im out n about, got him grinding it all up while im workin on the grows then makin butter tonight.

Sounds like a Good day @PinkyNotTheBrain ........:pighug:
3.5 years without Covid and boom, I go it back to back. No fun at all. Left me with a swollen part near my waist. Just weird sheet!
This will be at least my third time with it. Hope it isn’t too bad for you :goodluck: :pass:

This will be at least my third time with it. Hope it isn’t too bad for you :goodluck: :pass:

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I had it once. Shit sucked. Bad. I was down for a week. Spent 3 days not even able to get off the couch. All I could stomach was a McDouble from McDonalds, I had one a day for like 4 or 5 days and thats it. All I wanted to do was sleep, so I just loaded up on my wife's indica gummies and every time I was up for a few hours I'd take 2 and then pass back out for another solid 6-8 hours.

I know the vaccine was supposed to like make it not as bad, but man....what the hell would that have been like if I'd not had the vaccine? IDK. The people I know that didn't get it seemed to have the same sort of downtime when they got covid as people who did get vaccinated. I'm honestly not sold on how effective that was at all. Maybe for the really old and young it may have helped.
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