Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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Well I just solved the year long mystery of why my office fridge runs so often.

I have one of those big brita filter water tank things, and it turns out the spigot on it is just long enough that it keeps the top half of the door seal from sealing. The bottom half will grab and hold the door shut, but the top half is about 1/4" open and you can feel cold air coming out. I can't believe I hadn't noticed that until now.
You have a legit question, and it was my first thought too. So I calibrated my ph meter, and found my tap water source is still around 7.5 as usual.
My first year it took 2 drops to lower my ph to around 6.2, then the 2nd year it was taking 3 drops, now this year its taking 5 drops.
I think you'll need a tds meter to check the PPMs, i dont think ph has anything to do with hard vs soft water. Sounds like your water is soft though if you only need a few drops. I have to use .5ml - 1ml to get my water where I need. My water is around 200 ppms or something like that.
I always add green to my gallon of sulfuric acid PH Down. IDK, in my head sulfur is green so it should be green. I also mark all over the bottle with skulls and crosses and stuff. I use old water bottles to mix up liquid masterblend, and when I do that I always mark them, because I also use old water bottles for...water. Definitely don't want to mix those two, lol.
I have really hard water, and I add potassium silicate which further bases the water, so I have to add 2-3 ml's per gallon.
The only reason I really ph my water is to get it low enough to use my dropsofbalance product, which takes care of the fluoride in my water and adds the right minerals back , I have no chloramines, which is good, and the chlorine can be handled by a simple 24-48 hour sitting.
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Well Done...... :bighug: did it go....?

Hubby is out....and he's bringing take away I don't even have to cook.

I've just been potting up LemonGrasse from the garden......the clumps were dying I rescued the green ones......and I'm sticking them into used pots for over winter.

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Almost impossible to get in Spain...... :headbang: ...I Think I should fill the garden and start flogging it............:biggrin:.....

It grows from 1 piece to a clump in a few months...........the Brits love it for Thai curries...........:chef:.....
Only found one other person that does Coleus around here so I'll probably cut back on them, the desert rose starts still do good sales and the moss roses should do good once I have enough going to supply my cuttings racks. We have the perfect soil (used loosely since it's mostly sand) for them. The Pothos are kinda hit n miss so will continue but cut back. Lost a little on the Antheriums, sold a couple but they are so damn finicky about environment the rest don't look so good ( oh well, live n learn and wife loves hers). The Camelia shrubs/trees are doing good and should sell when the buds open in the fall (need to do another batch of air layers for next year). The Daturas are doing great, got seed pods like crazy from the white and 1 on the purple now, talked to a friends wife that has the pink and his sister has the yellow about trading. Still no flowers or fruit on the Grens or possums yet, the Maypops are great as usual and the Lady Margerette is growing out. Wife's sweet potatoes are kinda bursting out of the pot soil but didn't do well on the peppers or red potatoes and cut back the tomatoes to see if they'll do a 2nd flush but heat is screwing everything up.
Yeah I just bought a new bottle too cause the small one I bought when I started growing last year is finally almost done.

Yeah, I totally get it if you don't use much.

But I had....
3 x 55 gallon drums
8 x 27 gallon tubs
5 x 5 gallon buckets

in my backyard all with hydroponic plants.

Just adding 20 gallons to one of the drums with my melons in them takes 60ml of ph down.
I had to upgrade from a 3ml dropper to a 250ml graduated cylinder to measure stuff out.

But, every time I pull the graduated cylinder out and start doing the math on what to add, I get to feel like Mark Watney in The Martian.

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