Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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Big ol’ slug caught in the beer trap in the veggie garden!

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What’s you all time favorite cultivar to treat back pain, or pain in general?
Charlotte's Web x Compassionate Lime Auto
AKA Charlotte's Sister, Synergy Automatics

Hands down the best I've had for pain and inflammation.....
Big ol’ slug caught in the beer trap in the veggie garden!

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I never tried that as most stuff online said slugs sense of smell is strong enough ones outside your yard can smell it so will wind up attracting even more! I had them everywhere and putting copper tape and/or mesh on my pots where they couldn’t get a meal anymore they all moved on! I rarely find snails in my garden anymore except for underneath the pots at times!
I grew some in corn fields
I must admit...I've grown in corn fields alot in the past. Little trick of mine was to sneak out there in intervals, and place a gallon milk jug or two beside them. Id poke a pinhole in the cap and bottom to create a small drip to feed them, or help sustain them in dry weather...

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