Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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I’m planning on more. It’s going to be a whole piece

Excellent......:pighug:...your Life Story on your skin......:pass:

in the background I think I’m gonna have logos of the breeders that I’ve grown or other members names or somethin cool, that way it’ll tie it all together and be one piece

Maan...can you not get the Vendors to Sponsor their Names like they do on footballers vests...then you can Flash it at the Trade Shows....Living Advert....:pass:....

Love you bunches aunty m!

without you I wouldn’t be where I am today. That’s for sure

Love you Too.......:bighug:...all anyone Needs is a bit of Support....and I Think out little Community does that WELL.....
Oh @Mañ'O'Green just Tripped a Memory....convolvulus/Morning Glory.....?

I can remeber me Mother saying they would not sell Hippies Morning Glory seed co they got High on them......:biggrin:...I never asked How....:crying:...or I'd probably get a Clip around the Ears........
Before Round-up that shit was a nightmare, I swear it could grow a foot overnight. Now that I think back on it there was a sadistic pleasure connected to spraying Round-up in a commercial field. It is a product of last choice now around the MOG Mansion.

Are Morning Glories Poisonous?

Yup..... :pass:

The Bottom Line
The seeds of morning glory contain a chemical similar to LSD. Eating enough of them can cause many types of symptoms, from diarrhea to hallucinations requiring medical care.

Similar to LSD huh............:pass:............nah......I wouldn't Try it.........but I can remember it being a Thing in the 70's..80's.....whe there were Hippies.......:crying:
Before Round-up that shit was a nightmare, I swear it could grow a foot overnight. Now that I think back on it there was a sadistic pleasure connected to spraying Round-up in a commercial field. It is a product of last choice now around the MOG Mansion.

Yup...while you are absorbed thinking oh..pretty is Suffocating your other is Evil..

Sleep Tight @Mañ'O'Green :bighug:
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