Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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You guys are freaking me out with all the different color names.

I was just thinking the same thing variety is the spice of life :rofl::rofl:
Tell him not to visit Dallas then! Idiotic mofos abound once u cross the county line! :crying:
@Frank the Dank can tell you just how badly drivers here drive in tropical storms... or the snow... or even just heavy rain in general. Too many people here from everyone else and they just don't know what to do lol.
Wtf is a Texas Pyrenees? Regular Pyrenees that can hook up a bbq? :rofl:
Apparently it's a purpose bred livestock guardian dog for hot locations. Unstandardized working breed. She was most definitely the result of a one night stand between two farm dogs because she was feral when we got her, a stray that an old lady had been feeding until she was moved into a care facility.
OK, off the liquor store and then into the garage to work on jeep stuff. I'm getting to old be rolling around on the concrete under a car. It's either that or hangout with my girls and watch Hocus Pocus 2.... I'll be in the garage if you need me.
Tell him not to visit Dallas then! Idiotic mofos abound once u cross the county line! :crying:
Traffic is so bad around here you can't even pick up enough speed to get into a bad accident. And we still have the highest insurance prices in the country :shrug:
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