Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Looks like I'm going to have to walk a line. My soak didn't work too well. This is turning out to be one of the worst pain days I have had in several years. Nice and cool outside, yet I'm getting sweats! Sweats from the intense pain! That kind that hits the roof of your brain and just blasts out the top of your head .
Swordfish to the rescue! It's sure is a good thing I loaded it up and made sure it was charged before I left .
I guess that bitch wound me up tighter than I thought!:face:
Can you say spicy chicken tenders? I think it's time!
EVERY SINGLE TIME this song comes on hubby tells me that this was his sister's classes graduation song lmfao. Every time, without fail. Except last time when I heard the first few notes and was like "hey, did you know this was X's graduation song?!?" :rofl: stole his Thunder lmao
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