My dog growing up was named Buckeye, because he was black/dark brown with a blonde belly as a puppy (Buck for short, a la Call of the Wild). He was a German Shepard Golden Retriever mix, 120 lbs, and the best dog I've ever known. My sister had a mostly blind schnauzer/discount mix that once took on a stray st. Bernard. I was smoking a pipe on the porch next to Buck and the second the st Bernard went after my sisters dog Buck lept from the porch and charged the 1/10th mile to the road. He knocked that dog flat on its ass, put hi mouth around its neck and looked back to me wagging his tail. The St Bernie yelped, Buck let it go and pranced back up to the porch with my sister's dog... proud as can be... then he begged for a hot ofbrhe pipe! Best dog ever
I went all sorts of places with Lady with no worries.
Lady wuz racist too! She hated black people!

LOL! Not really! She hated garbage men. Ours happened to be black. Living in small town Texas in the 60's, everyone was pretty separated in where they lived, the literal of the saying,"The Wrong Side of the Tracks" separated the races. She seldom saw other black people than the garbage men. So when she did see a black person out in our walks, she would jerk on the chain and try to get them.
I had to break her of that crap. It was too long between contacts for her to learn, especially with weekly early morning garbage men visits to reinforce the reaction. There was a black kid named Willy that played softball with me and my other local friends during recess. He wasn't afraid to stay and play ball after school. I told him about Lady and asked if he would come over to my house and help me with her........................IF he wasn't skurred!

It worked! "I ain't skurred! Sure!" was what he said!
WANTED his ass! I didn't expect that response when we walked up. I guess it was because he was close to me. I put him at one corner of the house so she couldn't see him. I went in the front door to go get her leash and go out the back door to the yard. I couldn't chance going in one of the gates and not have full control of her.
Now, Willy had a VERY strong resemblance to Buckwheat of Our Gang fame. His black friends called him Buckwheat!

I told Willy to come in the back yard thru one of the gates. I had a really good hold of her and braced when he came in. I tried to have her calmed, but she turned on instantly. It took all I had to hold her back! i quickly found out why he really got that nickname! He did resemble Buckwheat quite a bit. When he gave that classic 'Surprised Buckwheat' look when Lady JUMPED into action, he was the spitting image of him! Willy hollered, "What the hell are you laughing at???? I just couldn't tell him!

My struggle with Lady quenched my laughter and I had to shout orders to her to get her corralled.
I finally got her calmed so she would sit to my right, her heel position......never understood why people have their dog heel on their left. I let the leash slack and told Willy to come closer. I had to tell him to stop looking so damn skurred. She was picking up on it and had to keep telling her to heel. Willy calmed down and came closer. I was able to tie her to my basket ball goal and make her stay.
To get more exposure, Willy and I played ball in front of her. She LOVED playing ball. She started to whine to play and wiggle her butt. I had to tell her calm and heel many times. Once she was calm and sat for 10 min without command, I let her play. I'd throw the ball for her and she'd return it. I'd throw it to Willy several times and go back to her. When I saw her looking to Willy to see if he would throw it to her, I told Willy to call her name and make the throw motion. Lady looked at me to get permission. All I had to do was nod and she was off.
She would get the ball, but TRY to give it to me. LOL! I pointed to Willy. She would be reluctant to take it to him and drop it at his feet. So, i would tell her to heel and Willy and I played pitch for several min. I wouldn't pitch to her. If she wanted to play ball, it would have to be with Willy.
It took SEVERAL rounds of this before the message sunk in her brain. I knew Willy would be too scared to take the ball from her mouth, so i made her drop it at her feet. Normally she's very quick to learning, but I guess her exposure to the garbage men and her STRONG protectiveness prevented her from giving in and learning.
Several days later, Willy turned the table on me. He told me I should bring Lady with me over to his house to get more exposure to black people.........................IF I wasn't skurred! LMMFAO!
I took him up on that dare, but that story is for another time.