Damn punk ass kids! I played a bit of Red Dead last night. I was high AF and just wanted to chill, hunt n fish and maybe use some treasure maps.
I spawn in my camp and was going to wait for a friend. Within 30 seconds, another player rides up to my camp. This tard tries to lasso me from his horse. He can't do it, because my camp flag is up. But most times I can lasso people! I lasso him off his horse and drag him to my camp fire and set his tard ass on fire. That must have triggered him.
Normally, when your camp flag is up, you're protected from players when you're in your camp. There is a work around/glitch, where if one player gets far enough away and still have line of sight, he can use a sniper rifle to hit you. And that's what the little idiot did. I knew there was a couple places in my area where this could be done, but I just didn't pay any attention.
Ok...........I guess he wants to play. I wasn't chill anymore, but very focused. The kill feed showed me where he was...........on top of a windmill. So as soon as I spawned, I switched to my sniper and changed my ammo to explosive.. It was an easy shot with his position. I started using my 'eagle eye' and one of my ability cards. this card gives you the ability to head shot a player by just moving your gun sight over it. You still have 'hit the target', but it will tag a head shot and lock it in. The
timing of the shot is eliminated.
About the time I killed him for the 6th or 7th time, he got on the mike. The parenting of this hairless nutted little pre-teen wannabe gangster, must have been nonexistent...........the filth that spewed from his little squeaking mouth proved that!
I exhausted my supply of explosive ammo, but not before I got my friend, that I was waiting on, in the lobby. He kept him busy, while I crafted more ammo. I finally had to mute this 'rock with lips'............a term I heard from an Army recruiter

............ with it's stupidity constantly spewing! It finally left the game.
WTF is with parents these days? I sure AF didn't raise my boys like that! I laughed off people saying that video game make kids do bad things. They still don't MAKE kids do anything, but piss poor patents and their shitty parenting skill sure AF contributes!
I don't get it at all.