Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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At my old farm, the cats would try to hunt or do something to the flocks that would hang out at my tank and field. I never did get to see what they were trying to do, but I'd hear honking outbreaks during night and mornings. Several mornings each season, I'd see groups of cats coming back from areas there were honking outbreaks a few min. before. I would have loved to have seen what those silly fuggers were doing.
My friend keeps domestic geese in E.Aurora, NY, and a silly Canadian Goose wintered over with them instead of flying south. Now he has hybrid domestic/canada geese. Hybrid domestic/wild turkeys too.
Reasonably steady environment in the Night Owl tent...
My friend keeps domestic geese in E.Aurora, NY, and a silly Canadian Goose wintered over with them instead of flying south. Now he has hybrid domestic/canada geese. Hybrid domestic/wild turkeys too.
We've got two over here across the lake that are like that that have been in the same area on the Winooski River one's got I forget what they call it a wing disfigurement like angel wings I think they call it so it can't fly and it's mate sticks by its side no matter what I go out of my way to make sure they survive the winter
My friend keeps domestic geese in E.Aurora, NY, and a silly Canadian Goose wintered over with them instead of flying south. Now he has hybrid domestic/canada geese. Hybrid domestic/wild turkeys too.
At our deer lease as a kid, the little old German lady had many hybrid turkeys. Most were a sorta rusty brown and white in colors.
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