Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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The quality and tone of the conversation is flaming whether the person is real or not. It then becomes contagious That is why we moderate for it.

We just want the smooth vibe here :vibe:
Really, your gonna be one of those moderators are you? So it was cool for your buddy to call me a virgin behind my back, which I reall dont have a problem with, just that if you got something to say about me, SAY IT TO ME, but your getting bent out of shape over the roasting of a fictional character? Ok chief, for the sake of future arguments, of which there would be many, Ill take my leave of this board now. I will not be told how to speak, especially by you stud. Hit me up on the personal message if you want to discuss this further so we dont have to clog up the board with it. Peace out people, I have enjoyed the discussions.
Same here… I have felt the start of autumn for approximately one week, had 3*C yesterday. Perfect for indoor-growing but I’m waiting for a better opportunity to grow, with less risk.

Yup...I Think we are seeing the end of summer here too...... :pass: ....I had to buy a small outdoor tent......not for the weather....for the gekos eating me germs.......:doh:...

Bet it will be a super-cold winter this year :dizzy:

Gawd.........I Hope not........:biggrin:...I'll be Hibernating........
Fresh Happy Frog in a 7 gallon, microbes added, and simmer for 24 hours..

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