Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Dishes done, garbage out to the bin...lil bit o breaky then need to get the Scott's out of the trunk and pot up some roses and maybe a mint......all my crepe myrtle stubs have new growth so time to start pulling up the next batch and try to finish clearing out the front garden.
The world is a funny place... The way we spend our time is funny... I finally understand how and why certain things are like they are... Why people goes to work... WORK? Haha

The pyramids are the answer to all my questions.... The pyramids, psychological factors, DNA, some education etc...

Good morning all!

I had to get the truck inspected, I had replaced the battery about a month before inspection, I put 280 miles on the truck before the first attempt at an inspection, failed, (emissions hadn't done all checks) after another 389 miles the computer said all checks done, damn that's a lot of wasted fuel just putting on miles!!!!! Typical GovtMotors bs!!!!!!
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