Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Mom came and got the kids this morning, hubby is at work. So I'm being lazy I suppose. I love stretch, look at this girl go (Thurs, Fri, today)
I've got the FX! A wonderful device! I got the package deal at Christmas with the sleeve etc. I hate to give up my Magical Butter Machine but I'm liking infusing in the FX. The MB will still do duty for large batches of oil.
Do not recall if these machines were available when I began concentrates. I just use a 10 Ton Dab Press, works well, can be a lot a fricken work compared to a all in one machine. There are so many variables involved with smashing, they seem to get more complicated with home grown weed. Sum cultivars just will not press well which cuts into your return. I'll stop now,I could go for longtime talking smashing, sorry. I should not put anything foreign into my lungs due to medical reasons , edibles have more than fill that void. I'm so deep into pressing now I don't think I could change, but the ease sounds so good especially if you can really dial in your concentrates. :goodluck:
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