Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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giphy (32).gif
Tomorrow's another day but I'm still up insomnia sux..found out I can watch Netflix and look at grows on the phone lol..I'm so old

Hey i resemble that remark :rofl:
I value this experience so much i made my gofundme to afn but I don't know how to share it to increase interest
Not a bad little haul from a dry ice shake and is all high quality.The worked material is now fast drying on an aluminum pan in front of a fan and before I call it quits for the night, it will go in to my Ardent to decarb. When I wake up, I'll infuse in coca butter.

I keep a jar beside the bed is that crazy? because I do lay down, my body will even sleep sometimes but this friggin brain just doesn't stop tik til tik
When I've been up for two or more days straight I will finally be able to lay down when the activity in my brain says go to sleep.And what happens when I lay down??

''Hmmmm.....wonder what's going on online.'' Then sometimes up for another day or so.I tell ya,I can't win lol.
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