Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Lmao think I got lost somewhere along the way! Prob has to do with being about done with 2nd bowl of 80% kief with a smidge of flower over it so it doesn’t crust onto the the ceramic coil! ;) :smokeit:
btw kidz, headz up, dunno if u've heard, but depending on ur puter/device/os, u may or may not experience internet blackout all has to do with an expiring certificate for the https thing....they say that only older os'z or puterz/devicez that aren't updated regularly should be affected, so....we'll see, lol :shrug: ppp
lol, still on #7....even got an old one running "95
Meds and my service pup are my saving grace tbh. The mood stabilizers really help. I have terrible reactions to antidepressants but I was missdx'ed as depressed for a decade. Every time I went on meds it was a total shit show. Turns out SSRIs cause massive manic episodes if you're bipolar lmao. Which makes sense when you look back at that decade of my life. They actually have a cheek swab test now that my psych gave me which determines which meds will work with your body chemistry and which won't do anything or will make things worse. Pretty neat stuff and saves a ton of time and money on all the trying different stuff to find something that works crap.
It's all been a do-it-yourselfer for me (as with most things) so I can really appreciate that there is help out there for folks. I agree, it would lead to a happier world
CX Horticulture
View attachment 1372524
4 x 250 ml samples just pay postage (£9.99)
UK growers only!
Total value of samples £35.00

I'm gonna keep looking for more free nutes, I'll keep you updated!
I’ve gotten bunch of free nutes and beneficials and other goodies thru Instagram! Just send company a pm and usually will hook it up! Lots have offer for free sample (sometimes gotta pay shipping) on their web pages they just don’t always advertise it where everyone sees it right away!
It's all been a do-it-yourselfer for me (as with most things) so I can really appreciate that there is help out there for folks. I agree, it would lead to a happier world
I wish mental health and emotional maturity were thought to be as important for kids as standardized testing and grades. Just imagine the change that could be made if kids were taught to recognize and appropriately react to their emotions early on and throughout their schooling. It'll never happen (in a public school system at least) but man would it be huge.
I knew there was a reason I always felt so at home here lol

All the beautiful minds
I've found that just getting older and going through it enough gives me the ability to see it coming now so I'm hoping I can avoid the downward spiral...I can't really afford it any more, nor can the family:pass:
Where I am now.. I feel like disappearing and I know I can’t do that.
I totally get that. Didnt get my diagnosis till I was 28. Hell didn't even get my ADHD dx till I was 23. Its nice to actually know there's a reason for why I am the way I am though lol. Wish I could have gotten any sort of support growing up, I totally get the feeling like its too late thing. One thing that was really helpful for me was that once I got my dxs, I got my kids full neuropsych evals as well (refused to let them struggle like I did) and we started them in CBT. Just sitting in on their therapy sessions and listening to the strategies she gave the kids for dealing with things opened my eyes to a lot of stuff that also works for me. I know there's a lot of stigma around therapy, but not all of it is talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy is more about coping strategies and recognizing your emotions and your body's response to them so you can react accordingly in order to minimize damage. Its never to late to learn and grow, or to make your life better. May be helpful to pursue, or even to Google different strategies based on CBT. The good part about seeing someone yourself is they can recommend specific things that will help with what you specifically may struggle with. Tbh I think *everyone* should get some CBT through their lives, since the world could really use more emotionally educated people in it lol.
We had a lady do all that to like half the kids in the school years back and so many kids received diagnoses and were put into a different classes, the lady had one for me also but at the time it was in a different category or something and they wanted me in regular classes because I wasn’t failing, just didn’t do work... I hate writing, just don’t like it. Hand turns all blue,terrible.

Now I have to pay for someone to do what the lady did and say I have A.S. again..
I dunno. Maybe I should look into it.

I’ll probably not do it though... sad truth
If I had gotten help in my teens I might have been a much more successful human being, but nobody knew what was wrong with me. Numerous people tried to get through to me along the way, but I had to learn everything the hard way. "You just can't do that," to me was an invitation to do it anyway. Poor mom.

What goes around comes around, so now my lot in life is mentoring refugee kids with such severe behavioral issues that everybody else gave up on them.
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