Sounds like a terrible problem lol
I forgot you’re a micro doser...
I’m a full blown see ya in a week from the forest kinda guy

Have ya considered peyote?
Not such a Shit taste lol
Oh and try applesauce with the powder next time
These days I tend to do more small doses (not actual micro doses)
I am interested in micro dosing though!
50 Psilocybe Semilanceata, will give you a proper psychedelic experience.
Psilocybe Semilanceata are around number 3 of the strongest mushrooms in the world.
They are tiny mushroom but very powerful!
People may ask so why is no one growing these??
The reason is because Psilocybe Semilanceata, grow on dead grass roots.
Now that is a hard substrate to get hold of, so people tend to grow Cubensis strains instead.
They are bigger mushroom but not so powerful for their size.
My earlier explanation was so a working dosage could be worked out!
50 Psilocybe semilanceata will have you tripping balls, funny colours, trails, auditory hallucinations, the full nine yards. So yeah you can trip out on just 50 tiny mushrooms.
So imagine I have dried out the mushrooms & ground them to dust.
I them weigh that dust so I know what a full dose weighs!
Now I take the magic mushroom dust and stick it in (lets say for the sake of argument) 50 dried mushrooms, ground to dust, fits in 4 "000" caps.
This means you can now control the dosage, 1 cap is then 1/4 dose, 2 caps is 1/2 dose, 3 caps is 3/4 dose 4 caps is a full dose. 8 caps is double dose!
So putting dried mushroom powder into caps makes it easier to dose and also mean no icky taste of nasty texture!
So just to put it out there again 50 Psilocybe semilanceata mushrooms will make you have a proper trip.
If you do 200, as I have been known to do in my heyday,this is considered a "heroic dose".
The term "Heroic Dose" was coined by Terrence McKenna, a heroic dose is one that blows the top of your head of and turns the rest of your brains inside out and upside down! A true Hallucinatory experience!