Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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My helpers
This is Zero.
He has almost identical 'O' marking on each side. A very chill cat. Love his markings.

The black cat is Spot. Yes, Spot. She has a white spot on her neck and belly. She's not shy at all.Very talkative. She wants to be an indoor cat.

Spot loves canna.

I need to get pics of Prissy. She's another little mate of the other two. She's another black cat, but long hair. She is a very sweet little cat. She knows her name very well and will look you square in the eyes and answer with a big meow. She will not talk to you without looking you square in the eyes. It was a little odd when she first started doing it.
There are two other cats in the littler......both long hair black cats. Zero is the only one that resembles his Mom. One is still very standoffish,. One that is almost always last when feeding, finally stood still for petting. She's another quirky cat. When coming to eat, she will always wind herself thru the stays on the railing of the fence around my wraparound porch.. I think she's a 'Twisty".
The last is just distant, but she will follow out to the Haze when I'm working her.
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Hey @Zeromitch i was so anxious to use mine I somehow missed the part that said before u use it to turn unit on to heat setting 7 and let it run a full cycle (12 min til auto turns off) then turn back on and insert the glass tube u are gonna use and let it run 5-10 min to sanitize it! Then u can load it and go! I also found that although it doesn’t tell u to if u flip vape upside down so u can keep stem right side up u won’t spill anything in between loading bowl and getting it into the vape! :eyebrows: :rofl: :d5:
haha I'll do that, thanks for the pro tip i would of made a mess a few times before figuring it out lol
I updated my Journal and figured i would show some of the pretty flowers at day 35 from seed.
I'm guessing these strains won't go past day 55-60 as they look very advanced for day 35 but that is just me.

bloody skunk shots


And the rest are Red poison
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I always forget the hubby eats even if his food is molten. Pretty sure I just singed off my taste buds with a taquito... and the stupid thing didn't even have any filling. :cuss:

I Found a new way to Torture hubby when he has the munchies.....:chef:...make his favourite noodles...with an extra chilli in..and microwave it for an extra minute....then tell him to leave it to cool down.........:angel:....

and he can't........

He was like a Bulldog chewing a wasp...........:crying:...I Laughed every spoonful... would Never stand up in court......:crying:

Just off the 12/12 daylight hours.................and they are doing alright............



Might be time to set another pot full away....see if Mother Nature is Kind this year........... :pass:
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