Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Lol dam photos
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my scale reads 2 places to the right of the dot........100mg is 0.1 on my scale
Yes but u need to be able to do .100 to know exact weight cuz the tcheck needs all 3 places for it to be accurate! If u do only 2 and make up the 3rd by guesstimation then it’s not gonna give u an accurate reading! I have a digital scale that goes to 2 places also but had to order the better jewelry scale!
Good Morfnoevight All EO! Well the fireworks were flying late into the night into early morning. I love fireworks but there is a time and a place :finger:.

Ms. MOG and I are headed to the coast tomorrow for a few days for some R&R and relief from the heat. We got a house sitter to take care of our kitty so MS. MOG will be more comfortable not worrying about the kitty. Food and coffee are the biggest issues and I am a coffee snob and need Gluten Free foods. I will take the French press and Hand Grinder so a good cup of coffee will be available but I really prefer an espesso. We can pack a lot of stuff to make sanwiches and breakfast is fairly easy to find without gluten. I am sure I can find some fish done well without gluten somewhere.

I will be scarce if online at all until Saturday.
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