Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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The past few days have been really busy for me so i have not had much time to be on AFN but i did manage to buy myself a birthday gift and chopped 3 plants today.

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This little r2-d2 unit should serve me well, hooked it up to my phone and everything, nice unit.
Ya need to insulate the exhaust tubing. The easiest thing to use is a thick towel. It will increase efficiency.

Oh lil momo loves that lol
Was reading dragon path and blamm!!
Hummingbird right in my face was so cool if I can recall the hummingbirds liked the f1’s at the other place. I wonder what smell it is they like because the things just keep changing now... one is back to bubblegum but not juicy fruit bubblegum.. weird. They all were blueberry a couple days ago and a skunks ass hint of hash
Ooo..get yourself a dog @arty zan ...getting clawed in the back and head butted at 5am brings me to full consiousness in seconds.....:coffee2:

Now is not the time to mention sausage and onion sarnies and 2 cups of strong coffee huh....?

Could have been worse...we were due to go to the market for bacon ribs......but there must be some kind of shooting competition going off and the older dog is week will do.....:pass:

I'd love to get a dog!
You know I need to follow your hubbies method when it comes to dogs!
First get a wife, who the dog can claw and head butt at 5 AM, some one has to put the kettle on,,,,,, right!
I bet you can't trust hubbie to make you a cuppa, it will be a stewed, luke warm & only half a cup of tea,when it arrives.
He's not stupid, I remember my dad boiling dry a pan of vegetables, when I was a kid, he wasn't unable to cook, he just didn't want too.
Yup burnt the carrots, that's some going, I bet he had to watch them for ages, waiting for the water to disappear!
When he cooked we didn't want to eat it! Clever old bugger!
No more cooking for Dad!:crying:

Never knew custard powder existed? LMFAO God damn millennials and I never knew you had a toyboy! (Millennials are clueless about everything but think they know it all)
OK I'm joking but seriously, I'm 52 and I reckon he has got a few years on me!
Didn't know "BIRDS CUSTARD POWDER" existed, sorry but I'm gonna have to call "BS"!:funny:
I really wouldn't normally be so rude about you and yours but if you're from the UK, no way, do you not know about "Birds Custard Powder"!
(if he is Spanish and called Miguel, then I will let him of)!
Don't fall for it Mossy, he only wants it easy ie, a tin of instant custard or for you to make it.
I'm guessing he is an only child and mammy would whip him up a bowl anytime he wanted!
I reckon you should make him make a "Creme Anglais" from scratch and watch him scramble the eggs, then that'll gives you something to tease him about, any time he wants you to make him some custard!:rofl:
Then when he asks you to make some custard for him, I can hear you saying - "Sure but you wouldn't prefer some scrambled eggs to go with your chocolate pudding..dear!:crying:
I used to make an awesome "Creme Anglais" and I would use only the best Madagascan Vanilla pods.
I used to also had a jar of caster sugar, with 10 vanilla pods in it to make Vanilla sugar for the custard.

I would also scrape the inside of the pod out and put in the casing to, yeah scraping the pod into custard will give little specks of black.brown seeds but it had a superior taste. In the restaurant that would have been frowned on and only the whole pod would be used!
Same thing with white sauces, never put in black pepper, always use white pepper. I really dislike white pepper (AKA unripe pepper) so when I'm at at hone, I only use Black Pepper and sod anyone who doesn't like the little specks LMAO

Seeing as we are talking custard (something I never thought I would say) did you know that "Creme Brulee" is a dish invented by the English?
Originally called "English Burnt Cream" or to be even more specific "Cambridge Burnt Cream" true fact!

Still, if all it takes is a bowl of custard, to get him to go and play with his golf bats, it is a small price, for a couple of hours of peace and quiet relaxing in the tub.:soak:

Q:What is yellow and Dangerous?
A:Shark infested custard!
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@Mossy thanks for the rep!
Gawd only knows how many hours, you and I have clocked up chatting in LS and as a staff member ect over the years!
7 years I have been here as Arty and a few more as other entities lol I think I originally posted as Lamsbread, which was an old forum name from elsewhere.
Arty Zan is my true AFN name but yeah 7 years on Sept 1st 2021, only 3 weeks to go!
In that time I have grown to know "Hubby" but I have never talked to, or have ever met him but I feel I could almost write a book on him, it's not like anyone chats about his foibles :laughcry: or anything else!!!
One of these days you'll have to show us his legendary metal bong (no,that's not a euphemism):crying:
Oh lil momo loves that lol

Can you imagine the musical taste Mini MoMo can have with your teaching.....?

Hummingbird right in my face was so cool

Aw....I want one........ :headbang:

I'd love to get a dog!
You know I need to follow your hubbies method when it comes to dogs!
First get a wife, who the dog can claw and head butt at 5 AM, some one has to put the kettle on,,,,,, right!

:crying: Yeah...and Pretend you don't Hear the dog...coz you are Deaf..........:nono:

I bet you can't trust hubbie to make you a cuppa, it will be a stewed, luke warm & only half a cup of tea,when it arrives.

Ah...he does make a nice cup of coffee.....every morning......IF you can wait for 10 am...when he gets up.......
I'm not going 3 hours without one while I wait.........:hurry:

Clever old bugger!

Devious....:eyebrows:...I Blame it on their Mothers.......

Never knew custard powder existed? LMFAO God damn millennials and I never knew you had a toyboy! (Millennials are clueless about everything but think they know it all)

Not Quite....he didn't Think you could make it Without having a tin of Custard was the only way he'd seen it done.

I'm guessing he is an only child and mammy would whip him up a bowl anytime he wanted!

:crying: Yup......

"Sure but you wouldn't prefer some scrambled eggs to go with your chocolate pudding..dear!

When he has the Munchies.........................................................................he'd probably eat it anyway...........................:crying:

Anyone who Thinks tinned tuna and blackcurrant jam go together is probably too far down the road to save........

I used to also had a jar of caster sugar, with 10 vanilla pods in it to make Vanilla sugar for the custard.

Yup...I had a jar sitting......:pass:....

I really dislike white pepper

I prefer white pepper for cooking.......

AKA unripe pepper)

And...fresh green pepper corns for salads etc.....:eyebrows:...he's never got over the fact of chomping on them...or chilli seeds....and that is Fun to watch....:crying:

Still, if all it takes is a bowl of custard, to get him to go and play with his golf bats, it is a small price, for a couple of hours of peace and quiet relaxing in the tub.:soak:

:crying: Yup.......

You don't want to Adopt him for a you...........?........:eyebrows:...he's double jabbed.....:headbang:
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