Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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The story had a mind of its own......with a little canna help.:funny:

Can't find the version I wanted!:grrr1:
George popped up in my feed for some reason.

I was home on leave on a Saturday night and hanging with one of my high school basketball friends. We were in his raggly ass 67 Camaro. He hadn't done anything to it since we swapped in a old 396 and a Muncie it. We were pretty ripped and he wanted to go to a backwoods juke joint. I looked at him and he had that Cheshire cat shiteating grin. II laughed and said, "I ain't skurred!" I knew what I was in store for us both!
For any of ya that don't know, a "Juke Joint" is a illegal bar with a live band and usually a small dance floor. The only thing is that it is usually only frequented by people of African-American descent, hence the "I ain't skurred!"

Well, it wasn't quite like the bar scene in National Lampoon's Animal House when they walked in the bar, but there were similarities. LOL!
Anyway, we got eyeballed all the way to the bar as my friend got us a couple of beers. I see some familiar faces and then I spotted a very familiar one. It was Angela. She was the oddball out of triplet girls where two were identical twins. I had never heard of that before or since.

I had a little history with Angela. It was a Friday night after a basketball game that we literally wiped down the court with our opponent. I rode the bus with the team as normal, but I had my best friend drive my truck to the game. I had plans of racing later. She and her sisters were all gathered under this big old oak tree. Angela was cute as hell and pretty tiny, barely 5ft tall. Her sisters were of similar size, but not near as cute.
I had watched several guys walk by and the girls shoo'd them off. I've never been shy, but I was still fired up from the ass stomping......I think I had 28 points that night. I drove over to the girls in my truck, with it cammin' hard............yeah....over cammed and over carbed! LOL! I rolled down my electric tinted window all cool and asked them if they needed a ride. I was staring into Angela's eyes as I was asking in my best sexy 18yr old voice. Yeah, I caught those eyes and held them!:cools: She was staring back just as intently. One of her sisters said they were waiting for their Dad. While still having Angela's stare, I said , "Oh? That's a shame! I have a lot of really fun things planned. How about you Angela? Wanna go have some fun? You won't be disappointed!" and gave her a smile. A smile that she reciprocated quite quickly while still staring back at me. Angela moved towards my door and one of her sisters pulled her back and whispered something to her, all while still having my stare. The other sister piped up that their Dad will be here in 30 minutes and they had to wait here.

Her Dad was a major ass and I didn't want to get her in trouble with her Dad, so I dropped it with this parting comment while still staring at Angela, "Ok girls! Too bad though! I'm sure y'all would have had lots of fun, especially you Angela.", as I cracked a smile at the end.

Never had another convo with her while in the remaining time at school, and I left for the Navy.

And we come back to the Juke Joint.I see what she's drinking, so I go to the bar and get her a drink and me another. I know she saw me, duh, everyone did, but I don't think she knew it was me. I had changed quite a bit. I had a high n tight hair cut and probably 70-80lbs.

With just about every eye on me walking across the bar with the band on a break and the jukebox hadn't been cranked up yet. I walked up to her table with her turned away from me. "Hi Angela! How about a fresh cold beer? She looked up, reconiged who it was. and smiled. She sais Hi, stood up, smiled again at me and took my beer. "You're not still waiting for your Dad are you?" She giggled and said no and did that shy innocent twist with her body.
Just then the jukebox came alive with ol' George an his Atomic dogg! Perfect! I ain't skurred!:cools:
I reached over and took her hand, "Lets dance!" She was all about it, but there were a BUNCH of eyes on us. Unlike most guys, I like to dance and the biggest reason was because girls like to dance! I've never been afraid to ask a girl to dance. I kinda knew that the vaxt majority of the people there wee thinking, 'Oh jeee! A white guy is gonna dance!' LOL!
Well, I really wouldn't call Atomic Dog a "reserved" song to dance to, so I let it hang out and so did Angela. Girl had some moves for sure, but so did I. :eyebrows: This is good! It gets better when the jukebox totally changes tone with a slow dance. WoooHoo! I was thinking a little small talk was in order, but she beat me to it. So you've been off to the Navy? Where ya been? So we talk about all the different places and then the song is over. Damn!
It's loud and hot. I ask her if she want to go outside for a bit and get some fresh air. She agrees and we go outside.......with just about every eye on us.
My friend trailed behind us and kept an eye out from a little distance while outside. We go over by my friends car and begin some catch up and small talk. We had been talking for about 10 min or so and both of us were quite enjoying ourselves. That's when things changed. My friend alerted me about the same time I spotted "them". My friend moved closer and I turned most of my attention to the supposed threat.

I recognized one of the 5 that came our way. There were a few more just outside the doors, but they seemed just to be lookyloos. This guy I knew, I figured it was highly likely that he was going to be a problem and the one I was going to direct my attention. Naturally, he was the one to first pipe up. "Whut you doing here white boy?", he said with his arms folded. At least there was enough light to see everyones hands. I told him I was out with a friend and catching up with an old friend. I asked him what he was off into tonight with a big smile on my face. I guess he didn't like my reply, question or idea which. LOL! "I'm gonna be off in yo ass if you don't leave now!"

I gave a little chuckle. I looked at Angela and whispered, "Trust me?". She nodded and I reached under her arms, picked her up and sat her on the rear fender and gave her a little squeeze as I let her go.
My friend came in close and told the POS in a calm voice, "Brutha, you might wanna rethink some things." Well, the POS threw out a bunch of epitaphs and basically told him to FOAD. My friend shook his head, looked at me, held up his now empty beer bottle up to his face and said "Door". I chuckled and thought 'Oh boy! A show!'. I nonchalantly half-assed took a stance, leaped up, kicked the bottle from his face, spun around laid in a volley of pulled punches in quite rapid fashion. The 'door" came from earlier in the day when my and my friend were goofing around and BS'n when I showed him I could kick the top of the door frame. I thought that was quick and sharp thinking from him.

Mr. POS wasn't much impressed, or he hid it well, but the others backed off quite a bit. "You ain't gone yet white boy?" I'm not stupid and wasn't back then either. I haven't taken any of this lightly. I knew exactly what was going on and the risks. I am not quite amused as I was in the beginning and my attitude is rapidly changing for the worse and I really need to reel it in. I really want the night to end on a nice note later on. I need to bring this to a head now......before I get angry and not be able to control myself as well. It's gonna come to a head! LOL!

"Listen MF! I'm not going a F*cking place. I'm have too much fun with my two friends! If you think you are man enough to change my mind, you better get along with it because I'm quickly losing my patience with your BS!" and I smile at him...... but not a friendly smile. :eyebrows: ................I cut out the expletives, but you get the jest.

Mr POS looks very surprised and then looks to either side of himself and realized his buddies have backed way off.

"Well MF?", I said as I shot him another 'smile'. I can tell he's looking for a way out and save face. That kinda cools my building anger, but not my focus.

Well, Mr. POS didn't have to find a way to save face! The county Sherrif and his Deputies rolled on the scene for a bust. I pick Angela off the fender and put her in the back seat and we leave out the back way. We go to my friend's Moms place since it was close. We sit and talk around for a bit. It's getting late, so I ask Angela if she wants me to take her home. She say sure and lets out a little squeal when I go over to my motorcycle. I pat the 'ol lady seat' and say come on! I can see she's excited, but afraid. "I've never been on a motorcycle, but always wanted to." "No time like the present!, and held my had out.
Well, she jumped on and we head off to her Dad's place about 40 miles away...........naturally I take the backroads! We get to her Dad's place and had a few minutes of convo before her Dad turned on the lights. Both of know the night is now over. LOL! With all the 'excitement' of the night, I felt a hug was the best option, but it sure wasn't what I really wanted to do and I could tell she thought the same. I waved at her as I sped off.
That was the last time I saw Angela. A few years later, She had got a job with a law firm in Dallas and was working on her degree, when she was killed by a drunk driver coming home from work late one night. Damn shame! She was a sweet person.
Good Morfnoevight All! EO. Trimmed up two more plants and got them in for the cure 125g and 107g not as big as the first two but I am high as a kite from handeling the buds.

rode in the truck with me for 20 years...

That is the first "good Luck opossum" I have seen :rofl:

I trimmed bikini lines this morning ...and got Treated to a 2 hour siesta........:dragon8:

@aQueen ...what's with the name change.....?

Trim trim trim........................

Some dumbass in my town literally shot his eye out last night with a bottle rocket. Eye came out of the socket and all of the fun stuff that goes along with that..

That is why you should leave it to the professionals - when they blow up you have to hunt for the pieces :yoinks:
There’s always 1 of these guys at every gathering! :doh:
Anyone ever tried lost coast plant therapy?? I got lil sample to spray the veggies with! Also got that captain Jack’s I recently used and ordered but haven’t received my southern ag garden friendly fungicide! Wanna get them bugs eliminated already! Now I got demon grasshoppers attacking the tomatillo bush so need to ferment some garlic to make a spray for them bastards!
Plant done got huge tho! Tool handle is 54” for scale!


And another dragon for @Mossy:bighug:

Good Morfnoevight All! EO. Trimmed up two more plants and got them in for the cure 125g and 107g not as big as the first two but I am high as a kite from handeling the buds

Nice Haul @Mañ'O'Green .......:zen:..transdermal meds are a Joy...............
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