I have always meant to ask about the "naughty step".
I mean,I'm not sure what happens if you get it, apart from you get "5 extra points" and a cool badge.
We all know "points make prizes"............ right??
Brucie wouldn't just make this stuff up, he just wouldn't!
God rest his soul.
No prizes for this guy & he looks well vexed about it!
He really needed those extra 5 naughty step points.
You gotta have points to get a prize, that's just Brucie's rules.
No exceptions, face like a slapped arse or not, rules is rules!
So no prizes for you this time sonny boy,
"Have you met my Ladder"?
He's not my real Ladder,
He's my Step Ladder!

Sometimes he doesn't behave himself and then he is my "naughty step ladder"!

Ba Dum Tiss,He shoots, he scores, back of the net,Goooooaaaaal,It's a Goal!
Just take me out back and shoot me, you know it is the kindest thing to do!
Thanks for the rep and putting up with my humor