@arty zan are Sharp this morning.....

...whacha smokin....?
Well, I was recently a naughty boy and had a week of smoking spliffs.
I normally just vape.
It has been just over a week no tobacco and I'm still a bit jangly as I shrug of the nicotine!
So my mind is still a bit wired from lack of nicotine.
The reason for smoking joints, was the ending of restrictions ie "Freedom Day".
So I went clubbing and partying (I have had both jabs) the club was packed, wall to wall people having a good time and I'm still alive to tell the tale!
I went two days straight no sleep, I had a whale of a time but paid for it afterwards lmao.
So I though what the hell and smoked spliffs like they were going out of style.
It was a wonderful freeing time after 18 months locked away from the world.
It's back to being healthy now, no more spliffs.
I generally find the first 3 days the hardest but 3 weeks to really be back to normal, when I stop smoking.