Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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I do think she has another foot in her.

There is all August to go yet.......................................:eyebrows:

She's now to the point where it makes me slightly apprehensive about ME helping HER to live up to her full potential.

Yup....I've felt the same this season on the multipots.....they were giving me everything I needed...just up to me to feed the best diet....:pass:

Waaaaay too much like raising a child to be really funny!........

Wooooah @WildBill .....your plants eat everything in the fridge....treat the house like a hotel....and permanently need to borrow money.....?.....:yoinks:

You are treating them too well......:pass:
Sorry Mossy, sure. It's a Dynavap M 2020 it's last years model so I paid less which was 56€. They are normally around the 70-80 $/€ mark.

It's a really simple and effective vaporizer. Really Terpy hits. Bowl size might be a bit small for some of you though.

:pighug: Cheers @Clem Fandango :bravo:..we all know now......
These ghouls getting involved can only be a negative. Considering what they did to tobacco. Florida they lobbied and made it where med canna business has to have every part in just growing or owning a dispensery..... from field to end consumer the business has to have every leg of it....growing, delivery, shops etc.....who the hell has that kinda money...oh yeah, they do.
Good Morfnoevight All! EO.

Washed the cars this morning. I use to just do the drive through when it was $4.99 but they have raised the price to $6.99 and that is enough to get the soap bucket out. I can wash and dry all 3 vehicles in about 1/2 an hour. So I am paying myself ~$40 an hour to wash cars :rofl:
There is all August to go yet.......................................:eyebrows:

Yup....I've felt the same this season on the multipots.....they were giving me everything I needed...just up to me to feed the best diet....:pass:

Wooooah @WildBill .....your plants eat everything in the fridge....treat the house like a hotel....and permanently need to borrow money.....?.....:yoinks:

You are treating them too well......:pass:
I'm sure she'll need all of August to finish..........maybe into September. At least I'll have a good idea what kind of effect she'll have with her sister. I'll take her at my normal ripeness. If it's a little racy, I'll let her sis go a little longer. Her sis is frosting up and I'm thinking they will be fairly easy to trim girls.

Chilrens, as Bill Clinton's Surgeon General used to say, can be demanding after leaving the nest. My oldest doesn't deviate from that statement. His problem isn't managing money, it's how he manages crazy women................Like I have room to talk. I married his Mom!:funny::funny::cools:

He finally closed on his first home yesterday. I don't know to be happy or apprehensive.:funny::funny::gassy:
@mohawk warrior This is a copy of the prospectus for forest management proposed by my friend Jem Bluestein. It is reprinted here with his permission and permission from @Admin.

This is based on Jem's 50 years of forest management. This may not be the only solution or even the best solution but we need to stop procrastinating and actually do something. I have thought along these lines for many years before I met Jem and I had similar ideas to what he is doing. The creek fire is proof positive that this method does result in fire suppression. I did not think about having thousands of small crews working in the forest as first responders to put out small fires before they become a huge problem. I think we need to spread the word where we can.



(More detail below under title URGENT FORESTRY REPORT )

I want funding for a pilot crew, to dial in best available hardware and practices and ramp

up to full integrated function in order to then replicate (always refining) the template

widely with thousands of crews. The crew, for present purposes consists of:

Chain saw hand crews thinning forest, trained in local biodiversity, removing

majority of material less than 10" in diameter, for the survival and advantage of

the returning canopy of maturing trees. In general trees greater than 10" diameter

would be limbed up to 16' and retained, though some may be removed/thinned as

needed according to prescription.

Mini excavator with masticator and grapple, other light equipment, tub grinder,

mobile dimension sawmill for salvage milling of some material on site. Slash will

be safely piled or windrowed to cure and here is where the plot thickens.

A mobile pyrolyzer unit will appear at each site in due time to consume the

chipped slash. No trucking out of slash with carbon and road and other resource

consequences. The 3 results of pyrolysis and their disposition are:

o syngas: can run project equipment, or can run generator to power

nearest electric grid-tie, or best case made on site into hydrogen. Here is

how to use the hydrogen along with the H2 you make from your PV arrays

on site and your portable small hydro generators: You fill an H2 transport

blimp bag, with drone guidance, and use it to float in all your equipment

(no forest roads made or used!), float out your lumber and other products,

ferry equipment and HR, and when your blimps are too full you drop them

off at the H2 station in the valley.

o sludge condensate: render onsite into biodiesel to run equipment,

generators, or to fire pyrolyzer (though solar concentrator-powered

pyrolyzer also possible)

o biochar: some should stay on the forest floor. Meanwhile the farmers are

lining up for it in the valley--not enough available to supply demand.

The H2 aspect may sound far-fetched but I will refer you to the state's clear

mandate in this direction and Biden's Energy Secretary's recent statements.

This is the clean way to harvest perpetually sustainable clean energy while

restoring and protecting our forests.

I would also approach Southern California Edison/PG&E for support. I should

mention the floating pyrolyzer-to-fuel plant would also make stops at logging

decks, ag waste sites and municipal wood waste piles, even neighborhood

sites, consuming waste, leaving clean fuels behind. The infrastructure

funding and the new civilian conservation corps is coming.


What follows is a potential world carbon revolution and legacy, in under three

pages, from the perspective of my continuing forestry work which is going on

50 years now.

· To paraphrase a former president, let’s just say “It’s about the

carbon balance, people!” It is incumbent on the people of our planet, if

we are to survive, that we all successfully manage the carbon

resources in our own backyards.

· In the light of recent (long predicted) conflagrations, many actions

will be taken—much of what is coming will only increase the

catastrophic predicament and consequences.

· Many people and agencies are beginning to understand some of the

circumstances and imperative actions but in general are missing

important factors.

· The following report puts together important and frequently

misunderstood aspects of the big picture, including origins of the

problems, basis of the solution and a specific protocol.

· Our current disaster scenarios can be transformed into

extraordinary opportunity for all of humanity if we do this properly and

without undue delay. Deliverables of this protocol include: slowing

carbon release, increasing volume and longevity of carbon

sequestration, massive production of water for downstream usage,

decreased air pollution, increased oxygen production, salvage and

production of forest products, massive employment opportunities in

myriad areas, great savings of human life, property, and firefighting

costs as well as (perhaps best of all) creation of a large segment of our

population devoted into future generations to sustainable

management of our natural resources!

· A pilot program to dial in methods and hardware will allow us to

spread the practice far and wide.


This is an urgent proposal regarding the protection of forests in California

and beyond. First of all, to the existing condition of the forest and its causes:

since the killing/removal of the native human caretakers of the land, we have

established practices exactly contrary to sustainable management. Mature

canopy trees were mowed down and this process was repeated with the

regrowth of the successive generations of trees. This caused damage to the

soils and watersheds and led to choking regrowth of brush and tree thicket.

Combined with a century of suppression of natural fire occurrence (which

previously resulted in frequent, ”cool” fires and the safe reduction of forest

fuels), these activities led to fuel loads and growth densities of

unprecedented magnitude. Mix with rising temperatures and shifting

precipitation effects and we have now arrived at the serious ongoing losses

which have been predicted in connection with climate disruption. The

following is a prescription for turning around this cataclysm and reaping

great benefits of sustainable forestry for future generations.

The prescription: The typical position of the “tree hugger” faction has been

represented as “hands off,” or no cutting or thinning permitted. The typical

position of the loggers has been more along the lines of “Sure, we’ll thin the

forest, but we’ll cut down any big trees for lumber in order to pay for the

thinning.” Both positions contribute to the problem. The necessary

prescription at this point is that most of the trees and brush of less than 10”

in diameter must be thinned (removed) as well as the huge amount of fuel on

the ground (dead material) and all remaining trees limbed up to 16’ feet of

hanging dead branches.This eliminates what is referred to as the “fuel

ladder,” which otherwise transfers the fire from a slow, creeping tidying affair

on the ground to a destructive crown fire or fire tornado. The correct

prescription will clear the ground, allow diverse species to grow, wildlife to

move about, and does not harm maturing trees, sequestering great amounts

of carbon in soil and forest. It encourages genetic diversity which in turn

leads to ecosystem stability. The wrong prescription leads to a firestorm

which destroys all in its path, releases carbon into the atmosphere, and

destroys carbon capturing capability, which is what mature forests do best.

The negative feedback relationship of carbon imbalance feeding climate shift,

causing accelerating carbon release (from forest fires, permafrost/polar ice

melt methane release, oceanic carbon absorption decline due to temperature

rise, etc) is clearly racing several steps ahead of our detection or

understanding. At any given moment our predicament is probably more

serious than we know. Every region must manage and restore its carbon

balance if we are going to survive. Prior to the recent bark-beetle pine tree

die-offs in the central Sierra Nevada, government agencies were becoming

aware of the disastrous condition that the last century of upside-down

forestry has wrought. Panic had set in with no plan or budget to address it.

Climate shift has brought almost a decade of mild winters allowing beetle

populations to thrive unchecked and decimate uncontrollably. The die-offs,

the kiln-dry conditions, the choking growth and fuel accumulations are now

flaming out of control in an ever-accelerating cycle. Here, as directly as I can

make it and based on our experience, is how to immediately turn around the

situation with maximum benefit to economy and world humanity.

We have to create many small conservation crews.(I will be somewhat

specific in some of these descriptions, yet step one is immediate pilot

contracts to dial in best hardware and practices for ramping-up of magnitude

and then global export of the complete protocol.) Crews will move through

the forests with light mechanical back-up. They will be small and many to

lighten impact on natural systems and expedite compliance with all

restrictions.Very large-tired vehicles and light crawlers minimize disturbance

and maximize access. Hand/chainsaw crews maximize employment and

decrease reliance on big equipment purchase/maintenance and fuel costs.

Combined with small excavator crawler with masticator head, and grapples

with tub grinder, all thick terrains can be thinned and weeded like grandma’s

rose bed. Compared to a larger mechanical approach, this crew is trained to

encourage maximum species diversity by selecting species to be left growing

in optimal density and location. (This benefit alone is huge, compared to the

big outlay and high fail rate of replanting efforts after fire, or major

mechanical thinning or logging.) Portable pyrolysis or other cogeneration

equipment will create virtually endless supplies of renewable green fuel. The

crew brings biomass/fuel conversion into the forest; fuel from forest is

chipped and converted onsite. This maximizes value and minimizes transport

of raw material.Fuels can be used by project equipment directly or

transported in liquid or other form (electricity, even hydrogen has some

tantalizing tie-in possibilities) to communities or the nearest grid connection.

Although the prescription calls for leaving most maturing trees to grow (since

we need to recover our forest canopy for best possible atmospheric carbon

absorption)the crew will also carry portable mobile dimension sawmill to

produce building materials salvaged from the unimaginable existing quantity

of dead trees.

Here I will mention an idea which may sound far-fetched but I think you will

find it ultimately more than reasonable. The clean capture of this perpetual

source of energy (chipped forest debris harvested on an ongoing basis in

perpetuity) can be made into hydrogen, bagged up and tethered to units of

milled lumber or other forest product so as to be lifted and floated (towed

along by a little air tractor up there) out of the forest and into town where the

lumber builds shelter for the homeless and the hydrogen enters the growing

hydrogen stream for fuel cell or vehicular use. Roads in the forest would not

be required to move people, equipment or materials.

Pyrolysis conversion process yields fuels and also bio-char, a stable and

concentrated form of carbon considered valuable (marketable) for farm and

forest soils. The hundreds or thousands of crews will also have on-the-spot

fire response capability. The spread of this substantial crew activity

throughout the region (and beyond) will protect and restore our forests and

their ability to absorb and sequester carbon while decreasing wildfires and

carbon producing petro-based activities of all kinds. It will also produce great

volumes of water downstream through processes which are becoming

increasingly appreciated. Deliverables clearly would include employment

opportunities in labor, training, sciences, education, operators, engineering,

transport, energy, water, infrastructure, building, etc.

To immediately finance this WPA-scaled initiative, consider first the current

explosive costs of wildfire response and the ultimate losses of economy and

human life property. Next, look to the billions currently sequestered in the

state surplus from the carbon trading program. Add all the income-generating

aspects described above and then compare with the inconceivable cost of

not responding quickly and effectively. The advantages in physical and

emotional health from working in the forest are also significant and currently

subject to much rediscovery. The goal of having whole segments of our

society trained and devoted to sustainable, beneficial interaction with nature

for all generations into the future cannot be overstated. A pilot program

incorporating these methods and dialing in specific activities and hardware

will allow the spread of these crews in abundance throughout our forest, our

country and the world. We need to do it and show the world how! As Robin

Kimmerer points out in her brilliant Braiding Sweetgrass, “Restoring land

without restoring relationship is an empty exercise. It is relationship that will

endure and relationship that will sustain the restored land. Therefore,

reconnecting people and the landscape is as essential as reestablishing

proper hydrology or cleaning up contaminants. It is medicine for the earth.”

And I would add, for us humans as well.

Jem Bluestein is a forester, musician and massage therapist. Thanks for

reading, and please contact me with your questions/response.

This is based on my 50 years of forestry work, most recently on 134 acres

east of Shaver Lake in western Fresno Co., on Musick Creek, where we have

focused our work for the past nearly 20 years. The fire hazard just above

(disastrous) Jose Basin was as bad as anything we’ve seen so with the help

of federal, state prop 40 and CFIP funds we cleaned up our forest super nice.

Then the bugs. We cleaned up again. Then the Creek Fire of last summer, in

which our work saved much of our own land/forest and also created what I

call a green fan extending upstream and laterally, saving neighbors, the town

of Shaver Lake and the forest lands beyond! We had a lot of good help but

the map and the aerial drone footage tell the story.
Good Morfnoevight All! EO.

Washed the cars this morning. I use to just do the drive through when it was $4.99 but they have raised the price to $6.99 and that is enough to get the soap bucket out. I can wash and dry all 3 vehicles in about 1/2 an hour. So I am paying myself ~$40 an hour to wash cars :rofl:


RIP Dusty Hill... :pass: ...we'll leave a light on....

@mohawk warrior This is a copy of the prospectus for forest management proposed by my friend Jem Bluestein. It is reprinted here with his permission and permission from @Admin.

This is based on Jem's 50 years of forest management. This may not be the only solution or even the best solution but we need to stop procrastinating and actually do something. I have thought along these lines for many years before I met Jem and I had similar ideas to what he is doing. The creek fire is proof positive that this method does result in fire suppression. I did not think about having thousands of small crews working in the forest as first responders to put out small fires before they become a huge problem. I think we need to spread the word where we can.



(More detail below under title URGENT FORESTRY REPORT )

I want funding for a pilot crew, to dial in best available hardware and practices and ramp

up to full integrated function in order to then replicate (always refining) the template

widely with thousands of crews. The crew, for present purposes consists of:

Chain saw hand crews thinning forest, trained in local biodiversity, removing

majority of material less than 10" in diameter, for the survival and advantage of

the returning canopy of maturing trees. In general trees greater than 10" diameter

would be limbed up to 16' and retained, though some may be removed/thinned as

needed according to prescription.

Mini excavator with masticator and grapple, other light equipment, tub grinder,

mobile dimension sawmill for salvage milling of some material on site. Slash will

be safely piled or windrowed to cure and here is where the plot thickens.

A mobile pyrolyzer unit will appear at each site in due time to consume the

chipped slash. No trucking out of slash with carbon and road and other resource

consequences. The 3 results of pyrolysis and their disposition are:

o syngas: can run project equipment, or can run generator to power

nearest electric grid-tie, or best case made on site into hydrogen. Here is

how to use the hydrogen along with the H2 you make from your PV arrays

on site and your portable small hydro generators: You fill an H2 transport

blimp bag, with drone guidance, and use it to float in all your equipment

(no forest roads made or used!), float out your lumber and other products,

ferry equipment and HR, and when your blimps are too full you drop them

off at the H2 station in the valley.

o sludge condensate: render onsite into biodiesel to run equipment,

generators, or to fire pyrolyzer (though solar concentrator-powered

pyrolyzer also possible)

o biochar: some should stay on the forest floor. Meanwhile the farmers are

lining up for it in the valley--not enough available to supply demand.

The H2 aspect may sound far-fetched but I will refer you to the state's clear

mandate in this direction and Biden's Energy Secretary's recent statements.

This is the clean way to harvest perpetually sustainable clean energy while

restoring and protecting our forests.

I would also approach Southern California Edison/PG&E for support. I should

mention the floating pyrolyzer-to-fuel plant would also make stops at logging

decks, ag waste sites and municipal wood waste piles, even neighborhood

sites, consuming waste, leaving clean fuels behind. The infrastructure

funding and the new civilian conservation corps is coming.


What follows is a potential world carbon revolution and legacy, in under three

pages, from the perspective of my continuing forestry work which is going on

50 years now.

· To paraphrase a former president, let’s just say “It’s about the

carbon balance, people!” It is incumbent on the people of our planet, if

we are to survive, that we all successfully manage the carbon

resources in our own backyards.

· In the light of recent (long predicted) conflagrations, many actions

will be taken—much of what is coming will only increase the

catastrophic predicament and consequences.

· Many people and agencies are beginning to understand some of the

circumstances and imperative actions but in general are missing

important factors.

· The following report puts together important and frequently

misunderstood aspects of the big picture, including origins of the

problems, basis of the solution and a specific protocol.

· Our current disaster scenarios can be transformed into

extraordinary opportunity for all of humanity if we do this properly and

without undue delay. Deliverables of this protocol include: slowing

carbon release, increasing volume and longevity of carbon

sequestration, massive production of water for downstream usage,

decreased air pollution, increased oxygen production, salvage and

production of forest products, massive employment opportunities in

myriad areas, great savings of human life, property, and firefighting

costs as well as (perhaps best of all) creation of a large segment of our

population devoted into future generations to sustainable

management of our natural resources!

· A pilot program to dial in methods and hardware will allow us to

spread the practice far and wide.


This is an urgent proposal regarding the protection of forests in California

and beyond. First of all, to the existing condition of the forest and its causes:

since the killing/removal of the native human caretakers of the land, we have

established practices exactly contrary to sustainable management. Mature

canopy trees were mowed down and this process was repeated with the

regrowth of the successive generations of trees. This caused damage to the

soils and watersheds and led to choking regrowth of brush and tree thicket.

Combined with a century of suppression of natural fire occurrence (which

previously resulted in frequent, ”cool” fires and the safe reduction of forest

fuels), these activities led to fuel loads and growth densities of

unprecedented magnitude. Mix with rising temperatures and shifting

precipitation effects and we have now arrived at the serious ongoing losses

which have been predicted in connection with climate disruption. The

following is a prescription for turning around this cataclysm and reaping

great benefits of sustainable forestry for future generations.

The prescription: The typical position of the “tree hugger” faction has been

represented as “hands off,” or no cutting or thinning permitted. The typical

position of the loggers has been more along the lines of “Sure, we’ll thin the

forest, but we’ll cut down any big trees for lumber in order to pay for the

thinning.” Both positions contribute to the problem. The necessary

prescription at this point is that most of the trees and brush of less than 10”

in diameter must be thinned (removed) as well as the huge amount of fuel on

the ground (dead material) and all remaining trees limbed up to 16’ feet of

hanging dead branches.This eliminates what is referred to as the “fuel

ladder,” which otherwise transfers the fire from a slow, creeping tidying affair

on the ground to a destructive crown fire or fire tornado. The correct

prescription will clear the ground, allow diverse species to grow, wildlife to

move about, and does not harm maturing trees, sequestering great amounts

of carbon in soil and forest. It encourages genetic diversity which in turn

leads to ecosystem stability. The wrong prescription leads to a firestorm

which destroys all in its path, releases carbon into the atmosphere, and

destroys carbon capturing capability, which is what mature forests do best.

The negative feedback relationship of carbon imbalance feeding climate shift,

causing accelerating carbon release (from forest fires, permafrost/polar ice

melt methane release, oceanic carbon absorption decline due to temperature

rise, etc) is clearly racing several steps ahead of our detection or

understanding. At any given moment our predicament is probably more

serious than we know. Every region must manage and restore its carbon

balance if we are going to survive. Prior to the recent bark-beetle pine tree

die-offs in the central Sierra Nevada, government agencies were becoming

aware of the disastrous condition that the last century of upside-down

forestry has wrought. Panic had set in with no plan or budget to address it.

Climate shift has brought almost a decade of mild winters allowing beetle

populations to thrive unchecked and decimate uncontrollably. The die-offs,

the kiln-dry conditions, the choking growth and fuel accumulations are now

flaming out of control in an ever-accelerating cycle. Here, as directly as I can

make it and based on our experience, is how to immediately turn around the

situation with maximum benefit to economy and world humanity.

We have to create many small conservation crews.(I will be somewhat

specific in some of these descriptions, yet step one is immediate pilot

contracts to dial in best hardware and practices for ramping-up of magnitude

and then global export of the complete protocol.) Crews will move through

the forests with light mechanical back-up. They will be small and many to

lighten impact on natural systems and expedite compliance with all

restrictions.Very large-tired vehicles and light crawlers minimize disturbance

and maximize access. Hand/chainsaw crews maximize employment and

decrease reliance on big equipment purchase/maintenance and fuel costs.

Combined with small excavator crawler with masticator head, and grapples

with tub grinder, all thick terrains can be thinned and weeded like grandma’s

rose bed. Compared to a larger mechanical approach, this crew is trained to

encourage maximum species diversity by selecting species to be left growing

in optimal density and location. (This benefit alone is huge, compared to the

big outlay and high fail rate of replanting efforts after fire, or major

mechanical thinning or logging.) Portable pyrolysis or other cogeneration

equipment will create virtually endless supplies of renewable green fuel. The

crew brings biomass/fuel conversion into the forest; fuel from forest is

chipped and converted onsite. This maximizes value and minimizes transport

of raw material.Fuels can be used by project equipment directly or

transported in liquid or other form (electricity, even hydrogen has some

tantalizing tie-in possibilities) to communities or the nearest grid connection.

Although the prescription calls for leaving most maturing trees to grow (since

we need to recover our forest canopy for best possible atmospheric carbon

absorption)the crew will also carry portable mobile dimension sawmill to

produce building materials salvaged from the unimaginable existing quantity

of dead trees.

Here I will mention an idea which may sound far-fetched but I think you will

find it ultimately more than reasonable. The clean capture of this perpetual

source of energy (chipped forest debris harvested on an ongoing basis in

perpetuity) can be made into hydrogen, bagged up and tethered to units of

milled lumber or other forest product so as to be lifted and floated (towed

along by a little air tractor up there) out of the forest and into town where the

lumber builds shelter for the homeless and the hydrogen enters the growing

hydrogen stream for fuel cell or vehicular use. Roads in the forest would not

be required to move people, equipment or materials.

Pyrolysis conversion process yields fuels and also bio-char, a stable and

concentrated form of carbon considered valuable (marketable) for farm and

forest soils. The hundreds or thousands of crews will also have on-the-spot

fire response capability. The spread of this substantial crew activity

throughout the region (and beyond) will protect and restore our forests and

their ability to absorb and sequester carbon while decreasing wildfires and

carbon producing petro-based activities of all kinds. It will also produce great

volumes of water downstream through processes which are becoming

increasingly appreciated. Deliverables clearly would include employment

opportunities in labor, training, sciences, education, operators, engineering,

transport, energy, water, infrastructure, building, etc.

To immediately finance this WPA-scaled initiative, consider first the current

explosive costs of wildfire response and the ultimate losses of economy and

human life property. Next, look to the billions currently sequestered in the

state surplus from the carbon trading program. Add all the income-generating

aspects described above and then compare with the inconceivable cost of

not responding quickly and effectively. The advantages in physical and

emotional health from working in the forest are also significant and currently

subject to much rediscovery. The goal of having whole segments of our

society trained and devoted to sustainable, beneficial interaction with nature

for all generations into the future cannot be overstated. A pilot program

incorporating these methods and dialing in specific activities and hardware

will allow the spread of these crews in abundance throughout our forest, our

country and the world. We need to do it and show the world how! As Robin

Kimmerer points out in her brilliant Braiding Sweetgrass, “Restoring land

without restoring relationship is an empty exercise. It is relationship that will

endure and relationship that will sustain the restored land. Therefore,

reconnecting people and the landscape is as essential as reestablishing

proper hydrology or cleaning up contaminants. It is medicine for the earth.”

And I would add, for us humans as well.

Jem Bluestein is a forester, musician and massage therapist. Thanks for

reading, and please contact me with your questions/response.

This is based on my 50 years of forestry work, most recently on 134 acres

east of Shaver Lake in western Fresno Co., on Musick Creek, where we have

focused our work for the past nearly 20 years. The fire hazard just above

(disastrous) Jose Basin was as bad as anything we’ve seen so with the help

of federal, state prop 40 and CFIP funds we cleaned up our forest super nice.

Then the bugs. We cleaned up again. Then the Creek Fire of last summer, in

which our work saved much of our own land/forest and also created what I

call a green fan extending upstream and laterally, saving neighbors, the town

of Shaver Lake and the forest lands beyond! We had a lot of good help but

the map and the aerial drone footage tell the story.
My neck of the woods we just tell em we gonna go in there and clean out all that mess.
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