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Hello fellow smokers ! My auto WW XXL from barneys is approaching harvest time. I have been been monitoring trich pics and other threads, but as I am always doubting everything I would love some advice. Given these pics do you think I should chop the beauty or should I wait for more amber ?
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There are still some white flowers on there. You could probably keep her going for another 2 weeks and she'll bulk up a bit more. Looking good though
Hello fellow smokers ! My auto WW XXL from barneys is approaching harvest time. I have been been monitoring trich pics and other threads, but as I am always doubting everything I would love some advice. Given these pics do you think I should chop the beauty or should I wait for more amber ?
View attachment 1688102
View attachment 1688103View attachment 1688104
I think she’s probably got a little time left. You can always harvest the tops, and let the lowers continue to mature…. :pass:
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