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I have no plants going at all :(

Might be awhile before I can get the tent up and running. I have zero energy anymore. It has gotten so bad that if I get out of my desk chair, walk the 20 feet to the fridge and come back with a drink, I will spend the next 5 minutes catching my breath.

Might try to find someone local I can trust to set it up for me, at least to the point where all I have to do is tend the plants from time to time and maintain the res for the DWC. The harvest from four plants (the legal limit in VA) should hold me for quite some time.

Still working out what strain(s) I will grow. That one looks nice and frosty - let me know how she smokes.
Hey bro, when that happened to me had a Heart Valve replaced. Have you had yer heart checked out lately by a Doctor ?
Took a second look at that Fallout TV series. They did a remarkable job of things given the limited time to present the story. A second season is on the horizon, though with Bethesda involved it might take a decade or so. :eyebrows:

One of the characters I really did not pay attention to the first time around was Norm, the younger brother of Lucy. In isolation, his is a pretty cool story. Video link is a good take on Norm's story arc. Naturally, it is packed with spoilers.

The New Vegas tease was really cool, too.

Looking very much forward to the next season.

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