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Honestly, I don’t care who makes the money. That’s farther into the weeds than is any of my business. Who are you saying should make the money? You? Me? I just want to be able to treat my conditions without the fear of jail…. Or more likely, a closing of the loophole that states had been enjoying. Now, research can be done….potentially leading to an even lesser, or no schedule at all in the future. That couldn’t happen without this happening first.

If you’re mad they didn’t legalize your ability to sell weed, then you’re just arguing for self interest. Which is understandable, to a point.

We fully agree on most of it especially the medical aspect. No one should have to be persecuted for medicine or use for that matter! Where I don't agree is giving more control/money to Pharma. Money=control. Pharma is one of the main reasons the plant is not legal. They've lobbied for years against. This rescheduling gives them more power/money which leads to more control of the laws. Therefore, they will fight against full legalization. This is my beef with it.

As far as the last sentence, please be careful what you imply! We grow so we can smoke and we know how it's produced and a rewarding hobby!

Now come give me hug ya freak! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
How @Lil Dab met his significant other. Take a look at her bass!

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far as the last sentence, please be careful what you imply! We grow so we can smoke and we know how it's produced
No implications my friend…. Was just a casual sentence addressing the most common reason (in my experience) people have been against any sort of legalization.

The couple of times I’ve lived in a state as it went legal…. All the folks that were making money on the black market were all pissed about the fact that dispensaries were going to be involved. They wanted to continue making the money…. I mean, one guy I knew had to finally get a real job at 51….. for literally the first time in his life. :rofl:

I apologize if I came across as accusatory…. Certainly wasn’t my intention… :pass:
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