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I started my day with someone shoving fingers up my butt so ill pretty much trade with any of u guys :funny:
Well it kind of depends............................

Was it the laying on your side in a relaxed position...................... Finger up the butt

Or was it the awkward ass up in the air/head down,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Finger up the butt

While my preference is neither, I do think there is the lesser of two evils in there somewhere.

It's a good thing I saw this post................................. Actually I saw someone quoting this post............... It reminds me of something I gotta do I gotta schedule some transportation for one of those procedures. :face:

Since they won't let me drive back from the procedure come I gotta have somebody to drive me there and back!:face:Families too far away and I'm not gonna impose myself that much on a friend. Especially since none of them were retired.

I hope that oil is working for you man!
Yes, it is a very clearly that............... Being safe in person and in papers, but it also is a violation of the 5th Amendment. The act if you unlocking the phone makes you open to whatever evidence may be in there that they may find.
I think two violations of the Constitution is enough! I just think it's ridiculous that the district court would come up with such a ruling. But it is the 9th! :face::crying::crying::crying::crying:............ The district with the leading overturns by the Supreme Court quiet a large margin!

I'm pretty sure, if it is taken up to the Supreme Court, it will be overturned. It pretty much common sense And the 4th Amendment is pretty damn clear about the topic. Of course, you need a warrant. There is absolutely no Exigent circumstances possible! There will always be time to contact a judge to request a warrant. Naturally you better be pretty sure of what you're going to find if you're going to request it and the judge is just not a pencil pusher for the police, It might be pretty difficult to get a judge to sign in on something like that. But that has to occur! That process of getting a warrant is critical and the 4th Amendment says it! right there in the verbiage!:crying:............... In my head I'm talking to the 9th Circuit! Trying to beat a little bit of common sense into their noggins! And ummmmm....... I'm quite high.:biggrin::baked::cools:

Anyway, you guys that don't grow in shadowland have one less thing to worry about............. Yeah I know there's a whole lot more you don't have to worry about but as topic goes less thing.

But that means I got a whole bunch of something to get off my phone!:grin::pass:
I use my phone as a phone! I store nothing incriminating on it.
I use an unconnected dumb camera to take photos with.
I don't use the internet on it either. Phones are always listening just ask "Alexa" or "Siri" I don not own an Echo dot or similar. AI is getting more powerful by the day and in the future, it will grass you up for sure!
Cell towers can track you and AI will use that in future too!
Now Germany has legalized it opens the door for the rest of Europe to do the same and in time Britain will do the same, whilst kicking and screaming and finding a way to scam us at the same time!
And we'll rub it in in summer, when your humidity is 99.9%....................................... and mine's only 88.4% :cools: :crying: :crying:
I use my phone as a phone! I store nothing incriminating on it.
I use an unconnected dumb camera to take photos with.
I don't use the internet on it either. Phones are always listening just ask "Alexa" or "Siri" I don not own an Echo dot or similar. AI is getting more powerful by the day and in the future, it will grass you up for sure!
Cell towers can track you and AI will use that in future too!
Now Germany has legalized it opens the door for the rest of Europe to do the same and in time Britain will do the same, whilst kicking and screaming and finding a way to scam us at the same time!
It's so damn Orwellian, it's a little bit spooky,!

I wonder who will legalize it first, the UK or Texas? :face: :funny::funny::funny::funny:
Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

taco tuesday.gifmariachi.gif

The grate the meat sits on is all rusty now!
:pass: problem dealt with :poof:
mmmmmm, rusty meat :hump: i say go for it....i mean, it can't be worse than thoze 20 yr old shroomz :rofl: :shrug: :coffee: ppp
Are you throwin' shade on thoze shrooms?
Raw Amanita Muscaria will give you stomach cramps!
They contain "Ibotanic Acid" which causes the cramps.
The "Ibotenic Acid" can be neutralized by drying at 45C/113F until cracker dry.
Once the Amanita have been been processes (dried) the "Ibotenic Acid" turns into "Muscimol" this is what you want!
No two caps contain the same amounts of "Ibotenic Acid" so it is best tp do a secondary "processing" by pwdering all you caps together!
By doing this you create a powder that has a stable base level. So each does has the same amount of Muscimol!
The base powder may be higher or lower each season/year!
Each year you will need to find out how much a dose is by taking a small amount and going up from there, in order to find that "batches" level!
Once you find that level you can then take the same amount each time!
Amanita is not a "Hallucinogen" like "Psilocybes" are!
Instead they haver a more of a wide range of psychoactive effects that are can be described as depressant, sedative-hypnotic, dissociative, or deliriant; paradoxical effects such as stimulation may occur however.
They can have like psychedelic moments but not in the same ways as you do with "Psilocybes" which are guaranteed to make you have a psychedelic trip.
The Perception of time is often distorted, moments can repeat themselves, as well as time shortening and lengthening in a very Alice in wonderland way! One side makes you bigger and one side makes you small if you will.
There are no recorded deaths from amanita Muscaria, it is mythology and misunderstanding that tell us these things.
People are often afrad of what they don;t understand!
The Nordic Laplanders and Russian Shamen knew there would be no harm to come from it!
Reindeer (carabou) love fly agaric so much that the Laplanders would scatter it on the ground to gather the herd!
Laplander would put the freshly picked caps (it is only ever the caps that are used as the Ibotenic Acid/Muscimol is concentrated in the red skin of the cap) into the high branches of fir trees, so the reindeer could not get at them. This is where the baubles on the Christams tree come from. To this day artificial amanita are put o Christmas tree, often people do not know why, except they look cool!
When Reindeer eat Amanita muscaria they get messed up and they really really enjoy that!!
This is where the idea that reindeer can fly comes from!
Furthermore the idea of santa comes from Siberian shamen who used Amanita to commune with the nature and the universe.
Muscimol is excreted body in urine.
Reindeer urine was in ancient time drunk in order to meet the spirits etc.
Alternatively The first brew was given to the Chief of the clan and the Shamans, whilst those who were lower in the tribal hierarchy, would drink the pee of those above them!
This only a thumb nail sketch on the Amanita Muscaria, there is so much more to say!.
So now your appetite for knowledge about Amanita muscaria has ben whetted, I give you some links of youtube channels and books to read!
Amanita Dreamer is someone who is totally invested in Amanita experiences and research -
Baba Masha is similarly disposed to extol information on Amanita Muscaria and it's medical uses - No personal youtube channel but search her name on youtube and you will find plenty! She keeps a low profile and wears diguises as she hid from the Russian authorities, who try to censor her!
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Books for your studies, should you wish to know more. I have most of the above

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My books

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Amanita Muscaria I found in Wales last year when I was hunting Psilocybes, in the same area.
Amanita are always with trees such as pine and birch, the above Amanita Muscarias were under pines.
True Arty form, Thank you.
Well it kind of depends............................

Was it the laying on your side in a relaxed position...................... Finger up the butt

Or was it the awkward ass up in the air/head down,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Finger up the butt

While my preference is neither, I do think there is the lesser of two evils in there somewhere.

It's a good thing I saw this post................................. Actually I saw someone quoting this post............... It reminds me of something I gotta do I gotta schedule some transportation for one of those procedures. :face::backside:

Since they won't let me drive back from the procedure come I gotta have somebody to drive me there and back!:face:Families too far away and I'm not gonna impose myself that much on a friend. Especially since none of them were retired.

I hope that oil is working for you man!

It's so damn Orwellian, it's a little bit spooky,!

I wonder who will legalize it first, the UK or Texas? :face: :funny::funny::funny::funny:
When I watch "Kill Tony" it seems Texas is awash with everything and anything you want in Austin!
So why not just legalise weed?
Thank goodness we haven't yet see a fentanyl epidemic in the UK!
One of the reasons Germany legalised cannabis is because shite weed was being sprayed with artificial THC like the stuff used in spice, It fucks people up and they then don't want real weed and instead demand the adulterated weed.
I will now say something I never imagined I would say 10 years ago and that is that I have been buying "American Hashish".
Some American hash I have recently bought is, Lemon Cake, Strawberry Short Cake, Jelly Totz, Tropical Lemonade, Cherry Bomb, all single strain hashes. I have also recently bought American import Hindu Kush, Alien Dawg and a Peanut butter weed but the name escapes me right now! So thank you very much USA, keep sending my meds! I know there will be some more interesting offerings to come in the near future!
There are also now more American seed companies/seedbanks, now sending seeds to Europe, which make me smile. However UK/European seedbanks are better on the price, American strains are so expensive and the shipping costs are also high too!
Are you throwin' shade on thoze shrooms?

He don’t know about them aged mushrooms! ;) :eyebrows::rofl:


Guess if u wanna get technical I don’t know about em either as i haven’t taken any of the old ones yet! :shrug::doh::crying:
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