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@arty zan ......i have a patch of Amanita Muscaria that grows every year in late summer just into the forest from my place. I have been tempted to try them but read too many horror stories. What can you tell me about them from your experience?
Raw Amanita Muscaria will give you stomach cramps!
They contain "Ibotanic Acid" which causes the cramps.
The "Ibotenic Acid" can be neutralized by drying at 45C/113F until cracker dry.
Once the Amanita have been been processes (dried) the "Ibotenic Acid" turns into "Muscimol" this is what you want!
No two caps contain the same amounts of "Ibotenic Acid" so it is best tp do a secondary "processing" by pwdering all you caps together!
By doing this you create a powder that has a stable base level. So each does has the same amount of Muscimol!
The base powder may be higher or lower each season/year!
Each year you will need to find out how much a dose is by taking a small amount and going up from there, in order to find that "batches" level!
Once you find that level you can then take the same amount each time!
Amanita is not a "Hallucinogen" like "Psilocybes" are!
Instead they haver a more of a wide range of psychoactive effects that are can be described as depressant, sedative-hypnotic, dissociative, or deliriant; paradoxical effects such as stimulation may occur however.
They can have like psychedelic moments but not in the same ways as you do with "Psilocybes" which are guaranteed to make you have a psychedelic trip.
The Perception of time is often distorted, moments can repeat themselves, as well as time shortening and lengthening in a very Alice in wonderland way! One side makes you bigger and one side makes you small if you will.
There are no recorded deaths from amanita Muscaria, it is mythology and misunderstanding that tell us these things.
People are often afrad of what they don;t understand!
The Nordic Laplanders and Russian Shamen knew there would be no harm to come from it!
Reindeer (carabou) love fly agaric so much that the Laplanders would scatter it on the ground to gather the herd!
Laplander would put the freshly picked caps (it is only ever the caps that are used as the Ibotenic Acid/Muscimol is concentrated in the red skin of the cap) into the high branches of fir trees, so the reindeer could not get at them. This is where the baubles on the Christams tree come from. To this day artificial amanita are put o Christmas tree, often people do not know why, except they look cool!
When Reindeer eat Amanita muscaria they get messed up and they really really enjoy that!!
This is where the idea that reindeer can fly comes from!
Furthermore the idea of santa comes from Siberian shamen who used Amanita to commune with the nature and the universe.
Muscimol is excreted body in urine.
Reindeer urine was in ancient time drunk in order to meet the spirits etc.
Alternatively The first brew was given to the Chief of the clan and the Shamans, whilst those who were lower in the tribal hierarchy, would drink the pee of those above them!
This only a thumb nail sketch on the Amanita Muscaria, there is so much more to say!.
So now your appetite for knowledge about Amanita muscaria has ben whetted, I give you some links of youtube channels and books to read!
Amanita Dreamer is someone who is totally invested in Amanita experiences and research -
Baba Masha is similarly disposed to extol information on Amanita Muscaria and it's medical uses - No personal youtube channel but search her name on youtube and you will find plenty! She keeps a low profile and wears diguises as she hid from the Russian authorities, who try to censor her!



Books for your studies, should you wish to know more. I have most of the above


My books


Amanita Muscaria I found in Wales last year when I was hunting Psilocybes, in the same area.
Amanita are always with trees such as pine and birch, the above Amanita Muscarias were under pines.


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@Mossy Home is where the heart is and my heart will forever be at AFN! Like a old bear I need my hibernation sleep, only waking from my slumber
to plan my summer dreams.
Once 420 has past I emerge from my cave hungry to grow my summer plants, so I might sustain myself through the next winter and to inspire new dreams for the next summer!

Yeah... :pighug: ... you old hibernator.....

Just be thankful I didn't actually upload the "Fog Chorus" by Paul McCartney

I Love the frogs chorus.....:biggrin:....'tis perfect for the high........
Might work, might drip meat juice on your shoes. Either way, it’s a win, win…. If you’re high while it happens :thumbsup::pass::rofl:
Well I was thinking buns and maybe corn on the edges. Give me a little credit bro, I don’t have people cooking for me 🤣
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