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Afternoon folks! Hope everyone had a great 420

Has anyone successfully kept cuttings in water for around 36 hours before? Need to defoliate today but not got the space for all the root riots yet.

I kept tomato plant cuttings and also an auto male for weeks before! The male auto barely was showing sex and i kept it alive til it was totally done dropping pollen! Nothing more than a glass of plain water with the branch dropped in but no nutes of any kind! ;)
Yes, I just had cuttings I didn’t plan on growing and got lazy. They were in the grow closet and started to flower same as the mother. Just in a solo cup with water for about 20 days. They are still living but struggling. Best option would be to take cuttings and put them in a solo with water and cover with a sandwich bag to keep moisture and place in a cool spot or fridgerator. Should keep for a while. I’ve seen 3-4 wks before planting.
One on the left prob been in that cup 5+ weeks at that point! ;)

U can see the piles of pollen on tray been in the jar of h2o so long!
Pins get fuzzy due to to much CO2.
Follow kit instructions for adding more fresh air ( ie. more Oxygen).
My first kit suggested wafting air over open bag with a piece of paper.
I imagine in time you will progress to dub tubs and or maybe a mono tub.
Easier to keep oxygenated using air holes covered with microporous tape etc.
I'm more of a mushroom hunter picker than a grower although I have all the kit to grow with.
Youtube should help, I have watched many great shroom growing videos.
Try Phillie Golden Teach or Rookie mycologist, there are others but their channel names escape me right now!
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