
... you old hibernator.....
I Love the frogs chorus.....

....'tis perfect for the high........
I hear you, right now I aint stoned, that must be it, either that or I didn't want to show my soft squidgy side! "We all stand together" is something I can stand by though!
Now tell me do you remember kids television in the 1970's, like I do????
In the summer holidays we would have a raft of summer TV shows like "Why Don't You" to keep us entertained, when it was raining because we would be out o our bikes if there was a hint of sun.
However even when it was sunny, I would be glued to "The Flashing Blade".
Now those were lyrics you could live your life by!!!
Maybe "White Horses" sparks some memories of those halcyon days?
Or maybe one of the most epic 1970's theme tunes ever "Follyfoot"?
"The Lightning Tree" sung by "The Settlers"
I remember at the time all the young lads were smitten by "Gillian Blake" who we all though was "Sweetly pretty" in her figure hugging sweaters!
I think I need to go sit down now, I just came over all funny!

Any way here the tune!