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Yeah that's what an English teacher told me. He said, "Son, when I look at you all I see is wasted potential." Depressing how many times I've missed the boat (literally and figuratively). Looking to the future is much more uplifting. Although, like Yogi Berra said, "My future is mostly in the past."
My reply to that when I heard it was only if I want to end up as a sad old fuck teaching high school biology.......I got time out in the deans office.
Yeah that's what an English teacher told me. He said, "Son, when I look at you all I see is wasted potential." Depressing how many times I've missed the boat (literally and figuratively). Looking to the future is much more uplifting. Although, like Yogi Berra said, "My future is mostly in the past."
Wasted potential my ass!! :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: You could have easily gotten a degree in a field that eventually became obsolete…. You could have spent decades working for a corporation only to have a heart attack in the break room one day….. You could have been a high school English teacher…..

My point is, you lived an unconventional life….. and became an interesting person. The mainstream path is made of squares for a reason…… a life well lived is not for the faint of heart…:pass::d5:
I think we'd have to ask @Mossy to get the actual low down. I don't wanna say anything I don't know cause I'm with ya. I know the 7 milestones and that's about it not sure if that's even a thing anymore :shrug::pass:
We woulda heard if there was a change in protocol. I guess if everybody uses the same threadmarks, people can read it in "reader mode," and only see the posts with threadmarks (skipping all the chitchat).
are the beardz 13 ft long with catz hidden in them-?.........................jus curious :coffee: ppp

Doubtful more like 13" being a big one although I have heard of multiple beards on one bird so who knows maybe if the cats a miniature? :shrug::pass:
Yeah that's what an English teacher told me. He said, "Son, when I look at you all I see is wasted potential." Depressing how many times I've missed the boat (literally and figuratively). Looking to the future is much more uplifting. Although, like Yogi Berra said, "My future is mostly in the past."
There's a million great yogi-isms :bong:
“You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there"
Pretty sure I made more than 3 times his salary in my senior year cooking maybe it all depends on how you measure potential.

Edit: I measure mine in how happy I am and how happy I make others.....but you can't bank that shit.
We woulda heard if there was a change in protocol. I guess if everybody uses the same threadmarks, people can read it in "reader mode," and only see the posts with threadmarks (skipping all the chitchat).

True I feel like things went a little whilly nilly when mossy was impressed with the "seeds received" mark :shrug: but fully agree as long as there's some sort of thread mark on important update posts they'll still be seen in reader mode :toke::pass:
Yeah that's what an English teacher told me. He said, "Son, when I look at you all I see is wasted potential." Depressing how many times I've missed the boat (literally and figuratively). Looking to the future is much more uplifting. Although, like Yogi Berra said, "My future is mostly in the past."
I think he should stick with English his philosophy is depressing :haha:
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