Might be some rainstorms moving in this afternoon.


On our way to 99 so prob gonna feel like 146 with the heat index this afternoon! :yoinks::nono::rofl:
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My kinda day! First order was only for $16 and 2nd order was for $37 but it was one of those orders going 40miles away but had nothing else going on so grabbed it! Had an $11 tip on it to start but i subtly pointed out when i left store to head his way that the store was 40 miles and almost an hour drive so dude went in and changed the tip to $25 for the hassle! :thumbsup::vibe:
@Mossy , I was contacted by @Mara Cachafa about the NY growers club thread. He wanted to post the new laws for NY but both of us have “insufficient permissions” or something like that. Any way to revive it? I know that @Lil Dab mentioned it as well in a post after site cleanup happened. Thanks for checking into it (in advance of you checking)

@Mossy if it helps at all I believe the thread has been archived from lack of use. @Son of Hobbes was able to revive mine from the archives after so long with no new post threads get archived :toke::pass::d5: