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Thus I need to ask if anyone knows if these are refillable?
Hope y’all are having a great day so far


They make stiizy batteries that takes pods but only part reusable is the battery! The pods or carts themselves u don’t wanna refill cuz once they have oil in them and are used and sit idle any amount of time the wick system they use dries up and stops working properly! Empty vape carts made to fill at home aren’t expensive if u wanna go that way!
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Evening Kittens. :smokeout:
Hope the weekend starting off well for you all. Watching the rain now, got a little more yard work done this morning before the heat set in. Tent check shows a fade starting on the older ones with nice puff balls forming. Bin check showed mushies pinning so the lid is off and it's a waving we will go. These are the Golden teachers that never took off in the bag but I got growing in an uncle ben's bag till it was full, spread it out in a tupperware bin, ladeled the soil mix from the bag on top and watched it go. Think I'll try it again from this batch when it's near done.


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