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Good morning gromies amigros and grofessors 👋🏻👨🏻‍🦳

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My daughter bought me a stiizy pen and a couple indica gram carts. For convenience on the go and low key toking this rig is amazing and the effect is pretty much identical to my rosin pen but soooo convenient without the reloading. Thus I need to ask if anyone knows if these are refillable?
Hope y’all are having a great day so far
The stizzy stuff I’ve had in the past was disposable…. But that was a few years ago… but you can make rosin carts pretty easily… to @Olderfart I think he made some recently if I remember right…. :pass:
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. Heeey @420Forever

Fonz got to meet the Queen........ :headbang: ... #HappyDaze......

Good Morfnoevight All! Happy Caturday, past EO, got dabs onboard :lildab:.

I totally agree! Sea fishing is more my thing and there are more good tasting ones!
I still wanna try perch , though as I am told they taste ok!
In many parts of Eastern Europe they eat Carp at Christmas!
Give me a turkey any day.
Don't forget that Carp is an anagram of crap, I'm told they don't taste good!
Yeah, it has been so long since I tasted carp I don't remember why I don't like it I remember it being boney. Like I said for the most part I don't like fresh water fish. I have had good farm raised cat fish don't like wild caught.

So you know that with as much cooking goes on here at the MOG Manor, we would have an extensive spice cabinet. We do, in fact we have several. Spices are an investment and I have found a way to keep them fresh and pungent much longer. It requires a little effort but the payoff is well worth it. I cover the spice jar mouth with plastic wrap then screw on the cap. Replace the film each time it is used. I have been doing this for a couple of years now. The results are amazing.


A Dalia

Thanks for the support everyone. Im just so tired of the world passing me by while I sit n can't do shit about it. U guys have been great to me as always so thank you :bighug:
Hey Pinky, even thought we are flying through space at 67,000 Mph and rotating on the earth at 1000 Mph we aren't goin anywhere without you! Just hang on tight :bighug:.
I drove home more than one wrecked car :rofl::rofl: Probably looked at least as bad and I was much drunker/stoned on downers. Luckily, there just weren't cameras everywhere back then.
Evening Kittens. :smokeout:
Hope the weekend starting off well for you all. Watching the rain now, got a little more yard work done this morning before the heat set in. Tent check shows a fade starting on the older ones with nice puff balls forming. Bin check showed mushies pinning so the lid is off and it's a waving we will go. These are the Golden teachers that never took off in the bag but I got growing in an uncle ben's bag till it was full, spread it out in a tupperware bin, ladeled the soil mix from the bag on top and watched it go. Think I'll try it again from this batch when it's near done.
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