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that depends on the aim... :crying:

I once held our cat while the vet shaved her belly looking for signs of having been spayed prior to showing up as a stray at our house. There would have been quite a bit of blood, but my welding gloves took the beating. They still have the holes from repeated treatment by sharp canines.

There were no visible scars, but when the vet did the operation, it turned out that she had been spayed after all - the subject parts were missing in action. :crying: She was likely the only animal in the valley that got spayed twice.
These days, most vets will leave a tattoo on the cats belly to indicate they have been fixed. Nothing elaborate, just a short line or something. I know this practice is common in shelters, and I imagine its also common in clinics and hospitals, too.
Well, that's me for now peeps, everyone have a great day/evening/etc.

By the way, this old bugger's patience with emoticons taking forever to load and execute is just about done - I may just stop using them. If someone here knows that I am doing something wrong, I can read... I am on Windows 11/Firefox if that makes any difference.

I thought it was just me on my Mac they work fine but on my iPhone they are slow as shit :shrug::pass:
While taking a break from these God damn muscle spasms, not that might as well update.

Well, it definitely was a watering problem. Underwatering!:face:But I expect it was overwatering in the very beginning. I know where it comes from. I was transitioning from the rain science bags to these grassroots living Earth bags. I was afraid of over watering with them being more conservative of water.
My biggest problem was that these don't have straps and I can't judge the water weight. I'm going to solve that in the next grow. I think I'm going to get, at the very least, the Eco-wit deep Moisture sensor. I might just go ahead and go automated watering at the same time, but I think I can do quite well with just the sensor and manually watering. It will be more flexible, but a bit more work and time.

So it's a positive! I learned something!

Well, back to work!...........................back................Be good back! Let me get this stuff done so I can go to town to the pharmacy and pick up the meds the stupid VA didn't send out!

I'll be back when I get the tent straightened back up and the other girls in their position outdoors :face::haha::haha::haha::haha:
These days, most vets will leave a tattoo on the cats belly to indicate they have been fixed. Nothing elaborate, just a short line or something. I know this practice is common in shelters, and I imagine its also common in clinics and hospitals, too.
Oh yeah, Dudes got some ink :headbang: :rofl: Light blue line on his belly commemorating the loss of his balls :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I called it waaaay before it happened🤭.

That one with a leverage of X170.
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