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That’s the lake…. The deer from this morning was next to the cemetery…. And there’s definitely no lake there. Apparently the dead here come pre-drowned…..which is probably convenient in some ways :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lildab:
They all float here!

I am absolutely trying not to ask if my plant looks ok and just let it ride. I read enough of the other new grower threads to know it's patience not fiddling around that grows.

But jeez man! I'm gonna take a pic later and ask anyways. I got anxiety over it even though it looks fine.
I am absolutely trying not to ask if my plant looks ok and just let it ride. I read enough of the other new grower threads to know it's patience not fiddling around that grows.

But jeez man! I'm gonna take a pic later and ask anyways. I got anxiety over it even though it looks fine.
Don’t sweat it, ask twice a day if that’s what it takes. Growing weed should be chill, if all it takes to alleviate your anxiety is to check…then do that :thumbsup::pass: :d5:
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