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Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

Unhappy Caturday :grrr1: Anu keeps crying and waking us up at sunrise! That is 5:30 am here now. Ms. MOG says she does it every early summer, there is nothing wrong with her she just thinks we should get up and play with her. I guess I just block out those memories as soon as she stops doing it. You know she is the Princess and we love her :kitty:

Our new chairs arrived today. Yeah, sitting in the old wore out one made my ass hurt!

I am going to go make chicken pasta salad for dinner, It needs some time in the fridge.
I just finished a plate of French Fries….life is good :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pass:
Found these on a menu nearby so gonna try em soon! :eyebrows::headbang::rofl:


Place is called fuzzy’s before u ask what fuzzy dusted fries are! :shrug::crying:
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