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Fuck yeah. And people look at you funny when you in a hoodie and its summer.

remindz me of this one dude we got here around town....crazier than a'll be 100 fuckin deg out & he'z strollin all over town in a trenchcoat, talkin/yelling at invizible people, without a care in the world :crying::face:ppp
i kicked all pharma to the curb in 2014 & have never looked back :headbang: 2nd best move i've ever made (the best was gettin all me teeth pulled :biggrin: ) ppp
Better if it was the wife who had all her teeth pulled! :crying::crying:
Yummy gummy BJ's & Teabags:rofl:

A world class spoon player and not a tooth in her mouth, dunno why they call her the dyson lady!
It's said she can suck a pickled onion through a straw,now that's some powerful suction!!:haha:
remindz me of this one dude we got here around town....crazier than a'll be 100 fuckin deg out & he'z strollin all over town in a trenchcoat, talkin/yelling at invizible people, without a care in the world :crying::face:ppp
……, since I’ve been doing part of my walks alone lately, I’ve been going over to the walking path over by the school.

First day, I’m walking towards this lady that has the badge (around the neck lanyard thingy) indicating she is a teacher. I’m just high, minding my own business when outta nowhere…..about thirty feet away from me….. she fucking explodes!!!!! “Will you shut the fuck up!!!!!”…..complete with big boisterous hand gestures and a snarl on her face.

There was no one there. And she was oblivious to the fact I was there. No ear thingy connected to a phone. Just pure crazy.

Then today, I’m walking in the opposite direction, going at a fairly good pace for a dude with a limp, and end up coming up behind her and passing her. Once again, super pissed at her imaginary friend…. I Watched a good two minutes of air arguing before getting passed her.

She knows I know…..:yoinks::yoinks::yoinks::yoinks::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::nono::nono::nono::nono::pass:
remindz me of this one dude we got here around town....crazier than a'll be 100 fuckin deg out & he'z strollin all over town in a trenchcoat, talkin/yelling at invizible people, without a care in the world :crying::face:ppp
remindz me of this one dude we got here around town....crazier than a'll be 100 fuckin deg out & he'z strollin all over town in a trenchcoat, talkin/yelling at invizible people, without a care in the world :crying::face:ppp
I admire the not a care in the world part. Not so much crazy part lol. But thats probably the reason he dont have a care in the world.
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