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This guy is amazing! He is called "The Last DJ" on Instagram!
He is in his 70's and has only just discovered he likes to make Techno!
I can see this is amusing in some ways but at the same time it is also very inspirational!
No matter how old you are or where you are in you life, it is never too late to say "Fuck It, I'm gonna do what I want to do and sod the haters"!
When you find true happiness, you will have found the true meaning of wealth, you can't put a price on it!
Just having money, doesn't even come close to just being happy but money can come in handy when the bills need paying!
Happy Techno Friday!
I did a few times but that only cause I was out. Go through 2 days of hell just to start the process over till I was able to finally pull myself away.

i kicked all pharma to the curb in 2014 & have never looked back :headbang: 2nd best move i've ever made (the best was gettin all me teeth pulled :biggrin: ) ppp
Benzo withdrawals weren’t shit compared to opiates! Benzos will screw with your brain for a couple days where opiates u feel like u were run over by a car on top of all that nausea and it lasts for weeks!
Damn I thought I herd you can die from benzo withdrawals. And people would take iboga to get off it as they do with opiates. And my withdrawals was only really bad for 3 days after it let up but I was cloudy and would get cold then hot then cold couldn’t regulate my body temp well I guess. That lasted like a month or two.Never got nausea either. Only when I used. Puked so many times from it.
This guy is amazing! He is called "The Last DJ" on Instagram!
He is in his 70's and has only just discovered he likes to make Techno!
I can see this is amusing in some ways but at the same time it is also very inspirational!
No matter how old you are or where you are in you life, it is never too late to say "Fuck It, I'm gonna do what I want to do and sod the haters"!
When you find true happiness, you will have found the true meaning of wealth, you can't put a price on it!
Just having money, doesn't even come close to just being happy but money can come in handy when the bills need paying!
Happy Techno Friday!
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i kicked all pharma to the curb in 2014 & have never looked back :headbang: 2nd best move i've ever made (the best was gettin all me teeth pulled :biggrin: ) ppp
Congrats :headbang: man thats ten years not easy. I still do some percs here and there and some addies but trying my best to stay off the street drugs.
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