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I am so impatient, I just want to do stuff with my plant but I know I gotta leave it alone and let it grow.

I think I'm going to try topping it when it gets tall enough.
So, uh, why just one plant? Are you just going to grow one plant at a time, and hope that bud lasts until you can grow another? :pass:

I always like seeing that dude!
I play the video every time it comes up!

He so much reminds me of a guy that lived close to Makaha Beach. Absolutely the most chill and genuinely nicest Samoan I've ever met! And he was just as big as him! He was just a big gentle giant!
He invited me and my family to a luau they were having one weekend. I had scheduled a half day fishing trip for me and my guys when we got off early that Friday. We hit some beautiful yellowtail and I caught two really big Mahi Mahi Bulls. It was the time of the year when the Japanese used Mahi Mahi and one of their religious ceremonies, so the price skyrockets to ridiculously high levels. The boat's captain said that we should take the Bulls down to Waikiki Beach and sell them at the market. I wouldn't have none of that! I gave the guys all the other fish and filleted the two bulls. I called my friend up and told him what I had and if he wanted them at the luau. Naturally, he said hell yeah!

I don't know if the Hawaiians do this at every luau, it's definitely not the norm with commercial luau that you pay to go to, but he invited me and the family out early enough that we were present during the preparation of the festivities. Naturally, we all jumped in and done our part! I don't know what was more fun, all the socializing while we were prepping or all the celebrating we did while eating! It was really an all day event and well into the night!

Eating! Lord Jesus! There's a lot of that going on! Everything was so damn delicious!.................... Except that damn poi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,blaaaaaaaa!

That was one of the best days that I had on the island! My boys still remember that day!

@Mossy Brought that Memory flooding back soon after joining this website!

Thanks young lady!:pass::pighug:

The absolutely only thing that could have made that day better was if I could have partaken in all the Pakalolo that was discreetly going around. It smelled so damn good! It was insanely tempting! It just was not happening with my security clearance and my mandated participation in " Operation Golden Flow". This was after the Walker incident and where they pulled everyone's security clearances and reevaluated everyone. They definitely were not handing out Top Secret clearances after that incident.

You see! There is one fine example of the sacrifices that we Veterans had to go through to serve our country!:cools::cools::cools::funny:

So, uh, why just one plant? Are you just going to grow one plant at a time, and hope that bud lasts until you can grow another? :pass:

I've only got the space for a small 2.3x2.3 tent. Plus I haven't grown anything before. More of a test run out of necessity. My guy started getting into "other" things and I am not down with that crowd.

I see the sick setups some of you guys have. Maybe someday I'll have room for more than one. Plus I don't need a lot. Just a lil bit here and there
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