Mornin' wild folks! About to head out, back to the grind.


One I haven't seen posted yet:

Morning buddy :pass:
Somehow yesterday, my humidifier got turned off. The only thing I can figure is my toe hit the button for programming. That really should reset itself back to what it was before it was touched. I also think that the sensor cord should have a 90 so it doesn't stick out so far in the very front.

Luckily it was only for a couple of hours. I didn't see any permanent damage but the girls definitely did not like it at all. The girls seem to be fine this morning and there seems be decent results from the watering with the different ferments.

Closer examination of Super TrainWreck Is needed, but I think she's ready for topping. She's ready and this should help her to get into her stride.

It looks like the mystery seed, found in a Knows Candy bag by my vet buddy, Looks like it needs topping. This is either a herm seed or a Bloodstone pollen got to my innocent Knows Candy. I'll pull her out and closely look at her to see if she actually is a 'her'. I don't really see any Bloodstone In her. Whatever it is it should be an auto.

Crazy S1 and Asian Haze are definitely getting their butts trained today!

I will definitely post before and after pictures!