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I believe so sometimes not always but do notice sometimes untopped plants don't like to break dominance no matter how much I level canopy one will seem like the main. But topped plants generally no I don't believe I ever noticed that and I've topped a few :doh::d5::pass:
I guess we'll see how it goes then.
The topping is just mainly to keep this girl reasonably under control. Both that I grew outside raged for about this stage until mid-flower. There was a while when she would grow a foot in less than a week.
The way she is right now, I know that in a couple of weeks I'll definitely have plenty of little clones that I could take.
Ummmmm…… what the holy fucking fuck?!? This song came up on my playlist THE SECOND you posted this….:dizzy::dizzy:

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Well I had to go back and make sure I didn't repeat a couple times cause I imagine are list are very similar considering I started mine with your music


Nice. They shipped the same day I asked about the grow and show. Not fucking around this time round. I was going to bow out of this one too. But I have grown one or more of pretty much all the strains I have. So it was time for some new ones anyways. And saw they had some sativa dominant strains and I hardly grown any. If any even. So what the hell. I wanna give them a shot. And blue dream is popular around here. And havent seen it in awhile.

Yup mine shipped the next day and their moving fast mine don't have to travel very far :headbang: :lildab:
Good Morfnoevight All! EO then Dabs in a while.

Watching the other grass grow :rofl:


A few other things I do, to ensure a nice crust….

I season the steak the morning of the cook, and refrigerate uncovered until about an hour before cooking. This will both dry marinate the meat, and begin the crust.

I let the meat come to room temp for 45 minutes to an hour.

I dry any moisture and apply oil just before going into the smoker.

I rest for 20-30 minutes prior to searing.

Use a big wad of paper towels to blot any moisture right before searing.

Using PLENTY of cooking fat during the searing. Apply directly to the steak beforehand if need be.

Something in your cooking process is hindering the browning process and the surface of your steak is steaming. If it’s not moisture directly on the steak, then it’s probably a moist environment within the grill, or an improperly heated grill surface.

If you’re searing in a pan on the stovetop…. Use plenty of cooking fat…. Heat to just smoking, place the steak…..wait thirty seconds, lift and reposition the steak, repeat on the other side…..this ensures there’s not a pocket underneath the steak with no oil, that will steam the meat and hinder browning. (That grey color is a giveaway of steaming rather than browning)…. :pass:
Meat man of the Month!
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