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Now I see lots of fig trees, which I imagine is great later in the year!
Wondering what goat with a fig reduction would be like?
Further to that, what does BBQ goat taste like maybe the meat taste like the "Greatest Of All Time"!
Could have had the freezer filled up!
Goat cheese aint my thing!
Jamaican's like "Curried Goat" but you must never call it "Goat Curry" A definite no no and a sure fire Faux Pas!
All joking apart you and hubby did a great job, I hope your are appreciated for you good effort!
So, this is how redneck I am lol. I have had BBQ goat and jerked goat meat. Pretty good if I say so myself. Gotta be grass fed though. Don’t throw your trash bags in the pen and expect goodness to come from that!
So, this is how redneck I am lol. I have had BBQ goat and jerked goat meat. Pretty good if I say so myself. Gotta be grass fed though. Don’t throw your trash bags in the pen and expect goodness to come from that!
And done over coals. Not propane…
And done over coals. Not propane…
So, this is how redneck I am lol. I have had BBQ goat and jerked goat meat. Pretty good if I say so myself. Gotta be grass fed though. Don’t throw your trash bags in the pen and expect goodness to come from that!
I've never had bbq goat before but it's more common in restaurants here then venison is. Most Caribbean and African places around here will have at least 1 goat stew and it's usually pretty good. And and some halal places will have stews and ground meat kebabs
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