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That is so hilarious! I'll bet she only dates guys with Monster Trucks!:funny::funny::funny:
It does remind me of this young lady that we called "Whataburger". The "We" was a group of mainly Mustang enthusiast that would hold gatherings at various sonic drive-ins and other restaurants. Some were there for just show, some were there for the racing in "Mexico" and some were there for both.

It seems that little Miss Whataburger really enjoyed racing.................... And racers!:eyebrows:
She lurked on a forum where we organized our meetings. She then began to show up to these meetings. She would drive somewhere close and park and then walk to the Meeting spot.

Unlike the admirer above, she was extremely attractive, but you had a feeling that there was a screw loose after talking to her for awhile. She knew everyone's car. She knew the mods being done and who beat who in races. She was very well researched!
She was always trying to get A ride along when we went out to race at Mexico. In the beginning we would joke and toy with her about getting rides . It seems she finally got tired of asking and decided to up the ante a bit.

That girl was absolutely obsessed with my Mach1! Any changes I made to the car, that girl would point them out!:rofl:So we were getting ready to go out to Mexico, so I can spank my buddy in his Mach1. There were several of us gathered around my car and we were discussing where we wanted to go. So Miss Whataburger comes up to me and ask if she can ride with me. I tell her I'm racing my buddy and you want me to have a weight penalty? And she replied, I'll make it worth your while and smiled at me. I'm intrigued, so ask her what would she be willing to do. " I'll flash you my Tits!"

My reply was, " If you do it in front of everybody, you gotta ride!" We already had one member that was recording our little pre race discussion to capture some of the smack talk that occurs when trying to set up a race. He captured the entire event from the very beginning.

So she flashed her pretty little self and got a ride to the races in Mexico in my Mach1! I played hell trying to get her out of my car after the races were over. She kept talking about how she was hungry for some Whataburger and then look at me oddly when she said it. I called my buddy and a couple others to find out where they wanted to go to regroup. We settled on a gas station just off of George Bush Raceway.............. I mean George Bush Tollway. Again with the Whataburger r from her," There's a Whataburger real close there!".............. And the same strange look.

So we go to the new meeting place, which gives me the opportunity to ditch Miss Whataburger. There's just something wrong with this girl. With the little small talk that was occurring in the car, my "crazy woman" alarms were going off like crazy!!!!

It was a couple weeks later when she showed up at another one of our group meetings. I didn't get to attend that one, but I was informed of what had occurred. Miss Whataburger got her another ride to the races in Mexico. After those races she had claimed her desire for Whataburger again. It seems that not only was Miss Whataburger obsessed with fast cars and the guys that drive them, she is obsessed with Whataburger food. And like her desire to ride along, she would do just about anything for Whataburger food. Let's just put it like this, she was willing to go much further than she did when trying to get a ride along with me.:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows::woohoo:

That is when she gained the name Miss Whataburger! She earned that name!:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows::funny::funny::funny::funny:

I am definitely glad that I didn't delve further into her Whataburger obsession when she was on my ride along. That other guy that obliged her obsession was stalked by her for about 6 months! Is she even took a spray can to his car! Luckily he was a nut about his car care and had quite an extensive coating on it and it came off with just a pressure washing.
Delusional loonies be everywhere!
Loonies 2024-05-30_15-17-35.jpg


I topped this ChicLit (by Twenty20 Mendocino) on day 26 to keep a flat canopy. The 2 main colas are on the left foreground, the rest is the lowers. Chopped today on day 83. I super-cropped her sister instead of topping, but she still needs another couple of weeks.
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