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@Heart of flowers - That's a shit situation. Good luck with it, and I agree with Frank about not getting yourself in trouble. Just like he said - You can't help if you're locked up too.

That said, dislocating a shoulder is a bad but not life ending injury. Max pain minimum damage. Plus it happens when you accidentally trip and fall. Just sayin'

I’ll go with the legal option here and let him ”rot in hell” for the rest of his life, or until he have taken care of all the mess his done and proven he’s worthy to be spoken to again. I’ll stay far away from him so I don’t get locked up and owe HIM money. Thank you for your opinions. ❤️
Fried smelts and a nice lager with salty sea air. Rip the vape and drift off with a light breeze


Gonna plant some seedlings today 🌱. Get some, a week old and we got nice weather. Thinking of doing hashish of it if the summer isn’t perfect. Got plenty of old (1-2 years) horse-shit, something you guys recommend? Think it’s 400 gal.
I'm trying something a little different today. Bloodstone is in the one hitter container with a little additional substance. I sliced up a little bit of the Root Beer Float cobbing and put it in my new grinder. That cobbing is pretty tough, but the new grinder had no problem whatsoever!
I've already had my dose of CBD, so it should moderate the euphoric high a little bit. After this small one hitter I'm gonna lightly fill up the crucible in my HerbalAire with some of the same. That may be a little while. I don't think the CBD has fully kicked in kind of because a couple of hits of the concoction have got me buzzing pretty good. We'll see what the day brings!

Well it kind of looks like I avoided a bullet this morning with the storm, but I only got a small amount of rain.
The people N and NE of me need to be on the lookout later today when the energy levels in the storms build back up!

Hopefully @Fermented_Fruitz Made it through the storm OK with it hitting his place around 430 to 5:00 AM
Whole house was shaking from thunder when i woke up at 7 so went back to sleep til almost 10! GD phone kept going off with severe weather alerts or i prob woulda slept thru it!
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